Applying for a Place in Reception
Children in Worcestershire can start school (Reception) in September after their fourth birthday. Worcestershire Council's School Admissions Service publishes information on their website, informing parent/carers on how to start their child at school. However, the responsibility for applying online for a child to start reception class, remains solely with parents/carers and it is important that you apply for a place as soon as the application window opens.
When to apply
Parents can apply for a place in the Autumn of the year before their child turns 4 years of age, however we would welcome a visit from prospective parents and carers at any point.
Applications for places at St Wulstan's are managed through Worcestershire County Council and their online application process. This can be accessed via the following link:
For all other queries or to arrange a visit, please contact our secretary Mrs Brown via the school office:
By Telephone: 01299 877808
By E-Mail:
Admissions 2026-2027
Admissions 2025 2026
In Year Admissions
Mid-year applications are when you apply to transfer your child from one primary school to another primary school during the school year.
Please visit School Admissions Worcestershire County Council for further information on making an application.
An application can be made for a place for a child at any time outside the usual admission round and the child will be admitted where there are available places. An application should be made to the school by completing the in-year admissions application form which is available on the Worcestershire Children’s First website:
A hard copy of the form can be obtained by contacting Mrs Brown in the school office on 01299 877808 or emailing us at
We welcome visits to our lovely school from all prospective parents. Please contact the school office for a school tour with our Executive Principal Mrs E Brocklesby
Admissions 2024 to 2025
Emmaus MAC Admissions Statement
Any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.