Our Mission

Findings from our most recent Catholic Schools Inspection (January 2025)

Catholic life and mission are inspirational to all and central to the school’s community. Pupils and staff consistently demonstrate compassion and gospel values.

Strong relationships, built upon mutual respect, allow all pupils to feel valued and cared for as individuals.

Pupils told inspectors, 'In every part of our lives, we try to live up to Jesus’ mission’ and understand that by following the school mission of ‘We learn and grow with Jesus to love, inspire and serve others’, they put others before themselves.

Pupils willingly embrace their responsibilities to help others and state that ‘as disciples of Christ, we have to try and reach as many people as possible.’

Pupils show great respect for each other, and because of strong relationships built on mutual respect, behaviour is exemplary across the school.

Pupils feel valued and enjoy sharing their achievements inside and outside of school.

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