At St Wulstan’s we believe in a broad and balanced curriculum where all subjects are valued and one which inspires a life-long love of learning. We believe in providing an environment where all groups of children are able to learn, discover and investigate across a variety of subject areas to become independent, imaginative and resilient problem solvers. We ensure that all children have access to this challenging and exciting curriculum regardless of background, ability or need.

We have designed a curriculum that is exciting and fun and promotes children’s interest. Our curriculum engages children’s imagination and curiosity, so they are naturally wanting to investigate and discover more. We provide opportunities for all children to build resilience and perseverance with the learning challenges we give them. Each subject area has been carefully mapped out across all learning stages in order to provide opportunities for skills and knowledge to be taught, and revisited, to help children to ‘know more and remember more’.

We will provide our children with opportunities to discover, investigate and experience learning in a variety of forms from off site visits to in school visits from experts in their field to specialist curriculum days where we focus on one particular area. 

RE Curriculum

Please click on the link below for more information on our RE curriculum. 

Mixed Age Curriculum

This year, our Year 2 and 3 children will be taught together in a mixed age class. Staff have had training from curriculum specialists to ensure that the children are receiving their full curriculum entitlement. Underneath each subject, you will find a separate document that details what the Year 2/3 class will be studying this year. 

Reception Overview

Art and Design Curriculum

Computing Curriculum

Design and Technology Curriculum


Please click on the link below to read further information about Reading at St Wulstans:

French Curriculum

Geography Curriculum

History Curriculum



PE Curriculum

PSHE Curriculum

Science Curriculum

Emmaus CMAC
A School Life Website
School Life iOS Mobile Application
School Life Android Mobile Application