Our most recent Ofsted inspection took place on 29th and 30th November 2022. A selection of the inspectors' comments are listed below.
What it is like to attend our school:
'St Wulstan’s Catholic Primary School is a caring and welcoming place to learn.'
'Warm relationships are at the heart of this school.'
'Pupils are happy in lessons and when playing with friends on the playground.'
'[Pupils] clearly understand that everyone is equal, and assert that "in this school, it is ok to be you".'
Early Years
'Relationships between staff and children in the early years are strong.'
'Teachers have made deliberate decisions about the design of the early years curriculum to ensure that children remember intended knowledge and vocabulary. They know what they want pupils to know and when, so children are well prepared for Year 1.'
'Teachers ensure that children have opportunities to listen to stories and songs, which children enjoy. This helps children to learn a wide range of vocabulary.'
Quality of Education
'Leaders have ensured that pupils study a broad and balanced curriculum.'
'Pupils reach high standards in reading, writing and mathematics.'
'The curriculum is well designed in English and mathematics. Leaders have thought carefully about what they want pupils to learn and in what order. The sequence of learning helps pupils to work towards planned end points.'
'Leaders prioritise the teaching of reading.'
'Pupils enjoy reading and look forward to story time at the end of each school day.'
'Staff are well trained and have the expertise they need to teach early reading well.'
'Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well supported in these subjects, and as a result achieve well.'
'Leaders work with a range of agencies to accurately identify the needs of pupils with SEND. This starts from the early years.'
'Leaders are strong advocates for all pupils, including vulnerable pupils and their families.'
'The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.'
'Leaders, staff and governors are well trained and knowledgeable about keeping pupils safe. The procedures in place to identify and report concerns are well understood by all staff.'
'Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe, including how to manage risks online. They know what to do if they have a concern about an aspect of their safety and well-being.'
Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes
'Staff have high expectations of pupils’ behaviour.'
'Pupils behave well in lessons and around school. They are polite and respectful towards each other and to adults.'
'Leaders have ensured there are opportunities for pupils to be good citizens.'
'Pupils contribute to the life of the school by taking on a range of leadership roles and responsibilities, these include worship leaders, house captains and sports leaders.'
'Pupils enjoy a range of extra-curricular activities, including sports clubs.'
Previous Inspection Reports