In school we are starting to see more and more occasions where children are accessing inappropriate online sites. The online world gives us access to a huge amount of information and services, but the scale of information available also means that there is content that is not suitable for children. What is or isn’t appropriate is up to individual parents and carers to decide, and can be based on things like age, ability, beliefs and family values.
I would like to raise awareness that Parental controls allow you to block and filter upsetting or inappropriate content. They work across your WiFi, phone network, individual apps and devices.
Parental controls can help you to:
Please use the link below to find out how to set up parental controls to keep your child safe.
Use Parental Controls to Keep Your Child Safe | NSPCC
Weekly Round Up From Mrs Warnett
Key Stage 1
This week Key Stage added animation onto their e-books, it has been fantastic to see the children developing their skills. In History they have been learning about the invention of the printing press and how it has changed lives. In Design Technology, they created a range of shapes to test for stability in preparation for making a chair for Baby Bear. In PE they have enjoyed developing their throwing and batting skills. Well done Key Stage 1
Year 3
Year 3 have been developing the use of speech in their narratives by re-writing sections of The Iron Man. They have especially enjoyed planning the Iron Man's commands as he prepares for battle against the space-bat-angel-dragon!
Mrs Mallinson and Mrs Hughes have been very impressed with their progress in swimming. The children have greatly grown in confidence and stamina as they build upon the skills they have been working on recently.
Year 4
Year 4 have been making many links to previous learning this week which has given them a real boost in confidence and understanding. In D&T, the children researched electronics and electrical devices and found out about the different components that allow these to work. The children then had to make their own switches to make a simple circuit connect and disconnect. Having looked at electricity in science earlier in the year, they were able to explain things in detail and explore design with confidence. In science, the children have been grouping animals and plants into habitats using classification keys. Having looked at animal characteristics earlier in the year, they were able to suggest more specific questions linked to where these living things live. In Geography, the children have been using atlases to find and locate countries in Europe. The children have enjoyed sharing their experiences and knowledge linked to many countries on this continent. Well done!
Year 5
This week year 5 have developed their knowledge of the Blues and worked together to play notes of the chords needed to perform the 12 Bar Blues. They put on a very impressive performance and even managed to play so beautifully, that Mrs Mallinson couldn’t help but come and join them to add some wonderful piano melody! Well done Year 5! In DT, the children were given the task of building a plastic casing unit for their Micro:Bit temperature sensors. The children used Lego bricks to do this and had to consider the stability and visibility of the Micro:Bit so that it could still be seen and work effectively. The children also thought about the use of plastic and how single use plastics have a negative impact on the environment.
Year 6
It has been a busy week in Year 6. In Science, the children have started a new unit: Diets Drugs and Lifestyle. This term the children will be exploring the impacts of diet, drugs and lifestyle on overall body health. They will be expected to make links to their previous learning on the circulatory system unit as much as possible to identify how diet can have positive or negative effects on the heart. In R.E., the children wrote a prayer to their class saint John the Baptist. In Design & Technology, the children had the opportunity to taste a variety of foods and identify their basic tastes; matching flavours that enhance or balance one another. Mrs Freitas was impressed when the children drew on their own experiences to understand complementary flavours. To end the week, the children have planned their next piece of writing, a diary entry. They will be writing in character as Olive who was evacuated from London to Devon during World war II. Keep up the good work, Year 6!
Ascension Day - Thursday 9 May 2024
The following forty days after Easter Sunday, Jesus appeared to the disciples and other followers. The fortieth day was the last time he did this before being taken up to heaven. We call this fortieth day, Ascension Day. We will have a whole school Mass on Friday 10 May at 9:15am in the school hall. All are welcome to attend.
Summer Uniform
Now the sunny weather is hopefully around the corner, children can now wear shorts or the red checked dress if they so wish. Listed below is the full summer uniform list.
. Grey tailored trousers or shorts, grey skirt or pinafore (Lycra or jersey fabric trousers are not permitted)
. Red polo shirt or white school shirt and tie (no white polo shirts or blouses. Shirts may be long or short sleeved)
. Grey socks
. Red check dress with white socks
. Grey or red V neck jumper, cardigans or sweatshirt - branded with school logo or without logo
. Black school shoes (boots, trainers or open toe sandals are not permitted)
Class | Events Week Commencing 6 May 2024 |
Reception Class | Next week we will begin learning about the lifecycle of plants and will be planting our own seeds ready to observe how they grow. |
Key Stage 1 | Adding sound features onto their e-books in computing. |
Year 3 | We can't wait to see whether our flowers have changed colour after the long weekend! |
Year 4 | Art - Explore techniques to develop imagery using inspiration from the rainforests. |
Year 5 | Creating futuristic drawing to layer onto our collagraph prints, investigating climate in North America, starting a new science unit! |
Year 6 | Art - We will be using photography to design and recreate a famous painting. |
Date of Event | Event |
Tuesday 30 April 2024 | Year 6 Confirmation Meeting 3:45pm in Yr 6 classroom |
Monday 6 May 2024 | May Bank Holiday - School Closed |
Monday 13 - Thursday 16 May 2024 | Year 6 SATs Week |
Wednesday 22 May 2024 | HENRY: Fussy Eating Parent Workshop TBC |
Thursday 16 May 2024 | School Disco 5:30 - 7:00pm |
Friday 24 May 2024 | Half Term |
Sunday 9 June 2024 | Year 3 First Holy Communion 11:30am at church |
Wednesday 26 June 2024 | HENRY: Understand My Child's Behaviour Parent Workshop TBC |
Tuesday 2 July 2024 | Year 6 Confirmation 7:00pm at church |
Wednesday 3 July 2024 | HENRY: Eat Well For Less Parent Workshop TBC |
Monday 8 July 2024 | KS2 Bell-Boating Regatta |
Friday 19 July 2024 | End of Term |