Message from Mrs Brocklesby

On Tuesday evening Bishop David Evans confirmed our Year 6 pupils at Saint Wulstan's Church. I would like to congratulate all the Year 6 children on receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation at St. Wulstan's Church. Mrs Freitas and Father Richard have supported the children with their spiritual growth and ensuring they are fully prepared to receive the sacrament. Witnessing the children and their sponsors maturely accepting the Bishop's blessing was a wonderful moment. Mrs Freitas is grateful to the many staff and families who helped to make the day a great success.

Please pray for our children:

O God our Father,
Give them your Holy Spirit
In their hearts and minds
That they may ever choose what is right
That they may know what choice to make
And what choice to reject.
Give them your Holy Spirit.

Today Fr. Richard celebrated Mass with the Year 5 children. After reading the Gospel from the book of St Luke, Fr Richard reminded all that God's love is unconditional. He will always love everyone even if people don't love him back. Everyone was reminded to share God's love with others.

Weekly Round Up From Mrs Warnett

The children in Reception have been having lots of fun this week. They enjoyed their second fun football session with an outside coach and learnt some new ball skills. They have also been scientists and have been exploring floating and sinking. The children took part in a focus activity with an adult first but have since been testing whether various items in the classroom float or sink during their provision time. The staff have heard children making some sensible predictions based on their learning and have been impressed with the vocabulary the children have been using. 
Key Stage
The children in Key stage 1 have been very busy this week. Year 1 have been learning how to tell time to the hour and half past whilst Year 2 have been learning about turns.  In Art they have been creating collages. In PE they practiced their throwing skills. On Monday the children went litter picking and had lots of fun whilst helping to care for the environment. 
Year 3
On Monday, the class enjoyed litter picking with Mrs Blanchfield and were very interested when they discovered a crisp packet that was over 20 years old! 
The children have loved reading a new book, 'The Sheep Pig' by Dick King Smith. They have enjoyed reading parts aloud to the class, especially enjoying pretending to be the fast-talking Mrs Hoggett! They were also fascinated learning about the job of a sheep dog and were very impressed by their skills. In computing, the class have continued their work on emails and have been able to send a range of messages. In history, the children have been very interested in the tomb of Tutankhamun, especially the golden cart that was left for him to race with in the afterlife! The children have also thoroughly enjoyed practising for the KS2 play and are very convincing mice in their dance. We can't wait to show the rest of the school next week!
Year 4.
The children had an important job at the start of the week to carry out which was litter picking with Mrs Blanchfield. The children did an excellent job collecting all sorts of rubbish and managed to fill three full bags. They were surprised by the amount of cans and bottles found so close to school and are passionate about ensuring our local community remains as free of litter as possible. On Wednesday, the children continued developing their knowledge and understanding of the Stourport Basins with a trip run by the Canal and River Trust. The children built canals using models and sand, visited the stables and Old Ticket Office and helped open and close the lock gates. Our guides were very knowledgeable and shared some interesting facts about the history of the people and heritage buildings in Stourport. The Year 6 production and are excited to share it next week. Well done!
Year 5

As we approach the end of this very busy year, things have not slowed down and there is still a lot going on in Year 5! This week 12 members of Year 5 represented St Wulstan’s at a Rounders event at Burlish Park Primary. The children were incredible and gained confidence throughout the morning which was lovely to see. Back at school the remainder of the Year 5s joined forces with Year 4 to also practise their rounders skills with Mr Tasker who was very impressed with their sporting qualities. In art, Year 5 this week added models of people to their ‘rooms’ and will look at photographs to see how scale effects how the art is perceived. In History the children have been finding out more about how Britain was ruled during Anglo-Saxon and Viking times and began to contrast and compare the lives of both. The week was ended with a lovely Mass and wonderful readers from the class. Well done year 5!

Year 6

Congratulations to all our Year 6 pupils who received the Sacrament of Confirmation or supported their peers in doing so and helped to ensure we celebrated a beautiful Confirmation Mass. The children were a credit to our school and their families; everyone is looking forward to witnessing the children use their gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit wisely as they continue to be examples of good role models in our school and community. This week, the Year 6 children had the opportunity to take part in a workshop with PC Simon Gallagher on peer pressure. It was an opportunity to help the children understand and recognise the effects of peer pressure and develop the skills to resist temptation. To end the week, the children have working really hard on learning their lines and songs for their KS2 production Shrek. They are looking forward to the dress rehearsal and performance nights next week. 

St Wulstan's Lives Simply - Litter Picking

When God created the world He put humans in charge. This means that we are all stewards to the world and that we have a responsibility to take care of our planet, the environment, the animals and the other people who are in the world. To be good stewards we must live a way of life that respects God’s creation, including the other humans that he put on earth.

As Pope Francis explains,

It means protecting all creation, the beauty of the created world, as the Book of Genesis tells us and as Saint Francis of Assisi showed us. It means respecting each of God’s creatures and respecting the environment in which we live.
— Pope Francis, March 19, 2013

We must be the people who cause the change in the world so that it becomes a better place. We must make our hearts rich with love and with good deeds. We must help and guide others to do the right thing. Amongst all of this we must remember to thank God and to praise Him for what He has given to us.
This week, all children, as stewards of God's creation,  had the opportunity to go out with Mrs Blanchfield and help care for the environment and give back to the community by litter picking. 
Community of St Wulstan's
Summer Fayre: This will take place after school on Tuesday 16 July after school between 3:45pm and 6:00pm. Please let Mrs Brown in the office know that you would like to be added to the Community of St Wulstan’s WhatsApp group.

WWF Appeal

One of our Year 5 pupils, Ted, is taking part in a walk in the Forest of Dean to raise funds for the WWF. Please see the below appeal message and a link to the Just Giving page if you would like to donate to this worthwhile cause. Well done Ted!

The climate crisis is threatening the places we love, right on our doorsteps and all over the world. The parks you played in. The trees you climbed. The trails you walk. The oceans you swim in. But there's still time to bring our world back to life. Please donate to my page today to raise vital funds for every branch, bug, bird and bramble. Together with WWF we can help keep the places we love alive. 

Free School Meals Entitlement

All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to universal free school meals.  You may qualify for the other type of free school meals, which is based on your income (you can still apply even if your child is still in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2.  It is worth checking if you qualify for the income based free school meals because you will be entitled to other benefits eg holiday free school meal vouchers.  Visit the following website to check whether you are eligible: . If you have any questions, please contact the school office for assistance.

Holiday Club Booking Information

Date of Event Event
Wednesday 10 July 2024 Key Stage 2 Production - Shrek - @ 6:30pm
Thursday 11 July 2024 Key Stage 2 Production - Shrek - @ 6:30pm
Friday 12 July 2024 Year 3 Class Mass @ 9:15am
Friday 12 July 2024 KS2 Bell-Boating Regatta
Tuesday 16 July 2024 Talent Show (PM)
Tuesday 16 July 2024 Sports Day 9:00am - 12:00pm
Tuesday 16 July 2024 Summer Fayre @ 3:45pm - 6:00pm
Wednesday 17 July 2024 Reception/Year 1 Drop In - 3:00pm - 4:30pm
Friday 19 July 2024 Leavers' Mass
Friday 19 July 2024 End of Term
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