7 July 2023

Dear Parents and Carers

A massive thank you to everyone who contributed donations so generously to the School Fair and to everyone who joined us on the evening.  Just over £1200 was raised on the night and the monies will be used to finalize the EYFS outside learning area - Play House, Musical area with boom whackers, balance equipment to name but a few items. Additional funds will be put forward for KS2 for more lunchtime toys and activities. Our St Wulstan's Community group hope that KS2 fundraising  will be the focus of next year with discos, cake sales quiz nights etc. As ever there are too many parents and friends to thank individually but your time, support and enthusiasm is invaluable so thank you all. 

Leavers Mass and end of year celebrations

To bring our school year to a close Fr Richard will be joining us to celebrate our Leavers’ Mass on Friday 21 July at 9.15 a.m. This will also be my final Mass at St Wulstan's along with Year 6 and we welcome as many parents and carers to join us as can. Weather permitting we hope to celebrate Mass outside and invite families to join us for tea and cakes afterwards and an opportunity say some farewells.


Year 6 Parents

Father Richard was unsure he could celebrate Mass on the last day of term so we are celebrating the Leavers Mass at 9.15 am on Friday 21 July. This will follow the usual pattern of Leavers Mass followed by all house point prizes, awards etc. On the last day of term, Tuesday 25 July, the Year 6 children will enjoy their last Toy Day with the run of the school getting their shirt signed by children and staff. Mrs Freitas is planning a pizza and ice cream picnic lunch with her class so please do not order school lunch. Then, all Year 6 parents will be invited to come to school at 3:15pm to see their children come out on the red carpet, take photographs and share that final pick up together. This is always an emotional occasion for children, their families and staff as we see our young people prepare for the next stage in their lives.

Sports Day will be held on Tuesday 18 July 9.30-11.30am. The event will be held on the school playground and everyone is invited to join us. Please bring picnic blankets or chairs as the spectators area will be on the Bank overlooking the playground. We hope this will give everyone a very clear view of their children as they both wait to race and as they participate. There will be soft drinks, tea and coffee available to buy. Please check your child has all their school PE kit in school including their pumps or trainers. We are sure it will be a lovely morning and the children will have great fun.

Next Monday we have the dress rehearsal for our KS2 end of year production of 'Matilda'. Our Year 6 children are the main cast with Year 3, 4 and 5 in supporting roles. The rehearsals are going well  and the children are looking forward to performing to their families next Tuesday and Wednesday evening.  If you have not yet returned your ticket requests please do so on Monday as we will be unable to admit anyone without a ticket due to fire safety. The play starts are 6.30pm on both evenings. The Year 6 children will need to return to school at 5.45pm. Year 5, 4 and 3 children need to arrive at 6.00pm. The children will enter school through the main school entrance which will open at these times. It promises to be a lovely evening and we are all really looking forward to it. We will be selling soft drinks before and after the performances if you wish to bring some loose change. Thank you to all parents and carers who have sent in costumes and props.

On Friday14 July you will receive your child’s annual school report. For children in Years 1, 2 and 6 this will include the results of statutory testing - phonics for Year 1 and end of Key stage assessments for Years 2 and 6. Having read many of the children’s reports it is clear to see how hard they have all worked this year, and also how kind and caring our children are. Well done everyone. We don’t hold a formal Parents’ Evening in the summer term as parents receive the written report but if you do wish to discuss something further please contact me via the school office.

Next week, the children will be able to take part in auditions for our Talent Show later on this term. Can you remind the children to bring in any props, music choices or instruments on Monday (KS1) Tuesday (KS2). If you have any queries do not hesitate to speak to Mrs Portman or Mr Tasker, our resident ’Simon Cowells ‘!

What's been happening at St Wulstan's this week!

This week Year 5 had a fun training session with Kidderminster Harriers. We played some fun warm up games to help us develop our skills and then we played matches to put those skills into practise! We have also been continuing to develop our skills as writers and have produced some beautiful, descriptive writing including a flashback. In maths we have been building on our knowledge of measures and have been using our skills to multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000 to convert between units of measure.

Year 2 have been exploring poetry and this morning wrote and performed their own poems to the class to the class. Well done Year 2.

This week in maths, Year 3 have finished off their unit of work on statistics. The children have really enjoyed collecting their own data and thinking about the information they wanted to find out from their peers. The children have also designed a maths board game with a partner, and it has been lovely to see the challenges they have included. We look forward to having the opportunity to play these over the coming week. Miss Workman have been particularly impressed with all the homework the children have brought in. This week the children had the opportunity to share their work with the class. A huge well done to everyone!

Next Friday is the Bell Boating Regatta for Years 4, 5 and 6. This is always an exciting and enjoyable day for the children. Please ensure your child is wearing sun cream, wears a cap/hat and brings plenty of drinks with their packed lunch. We look forward to hearing all about the day and seeing the photographs next week.

As you know we love to see new puppies which are carried down for the children to show their teachers, and me! Could I please remind everyone though that dogs are not permitted to walk on the school grounds for safety reasons. If you do walk down down with your dog please wait outside the gate and children can walk across to you once their teacher has seen you. Thank you for your support.

We hope everyone has a good weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday.

KE Savage


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