Message From Mrs Brocklesby

At the heart of all our work at Saint Wulstan's is the aim to prepare our children for life in a modern world. I believe the internet when used properly is a wonderfully positive tool for children and young people. In school we strive to take a balanced approach, making sure that we promote the positive opportunities, as well as responding to the risks and equipping children and young people to deal with them. I feel it is becoming harder both at home and school to support our children so EMMAUS MAC is enabling all schools to subscribe to The National College Online Safety App. Saint Wulstan's is a member of
The National College and parents from next week will have free access. The National College is a multi-award-winning online training provider for staff and parents. As part of our membership, The National College will provide us with dedicated training and resources for parents and carers – particularly, around online safety and keeping children safe online.
Staff will continue to teach children about the risks online. But with the internet so readily accessible, the most effective approach to online safety needs everyone involved, including parents and carers. You will have access to courses, explainer videos and online safety guides
to support your awareness of the online world. Topics range from understanding apps like TikTok and Instagram to recognising the signs of online harm and what you can do to help. Next week you will receive a sign up letter identifying how to download and use the App.   I hope you’ll sign-up and make the most of the resources.

Weekly Round Up From Mrs Warnett

It has been lovely to welcome the Scholastic Book Fair back to school this week. The children will have a chance to visit the book fair during the school day but we welcome parents and carers to visit before or after school each day. For every book bought by our families, the school receives money towards books for our school library!

As usual, we will be holding two Parent Evenings this term. On Tuesday 14 November, there will be face to face meetings in school from 4:00 - 7:00pm. On Thursday 16 November, there will be face to face meetings in school from 4.30-5.30pm followed by virtual meetings via School Cloud from 6:00-7:00pm. For all appointments to run smoothly and equitably, it is essential that all parents adhere to the 10 minute allocated time slot. If you feel you need additional time to discuss your child, you must make an appointment with your child's class teacher after your initial appointment via the school office.

Booking slots will be open from 4:00pm on Monday 9 October. Please use the Parent Guide attached in order to book your meeting slot using our usual School Cloud service, whether it is a face to face meeting or a virtual appointment. The link for this is below. If you have any difficulties in booking a meeting, please contact the school office.

This week in Reception we have been learning all about their bodies and senses. The children enjoyed making listening headbands and going on a sound walk around school to find out about their sense of hearing. They also enjoyed exploring their sense of touch by feeling different items hidden in a bag. The children have been using some lovely language to describe what they can see, hear, smell, touch and taste this week. Well done Reception!

KS1 have been working hard all week, In Maths the children have been looking at Place Value. In English they have based their writing around the book 'We are going on a bear hunt’. The children have loved reading the story and making the sound effects! In Science, they have been learning about the importance of a healthy balanced diet and in Geography, they have been learning about aerial photographs. In PE, the class practiced a variety of movements and then learnt how to work well as a team. Enjoy your long weekend KS1, we look forward to seeing you on Monday!

It’s been another fantastic week in Year 3. The children have done super writing in English, retelling the story of The Tunnel by Anthony Browne. In Science they have also been learning about the different animals that are vertebrates and invertebrates and why some animals have exoskeletons. On Wednesday, the class completed their first unit of work in PE. The whole class have really impressed Mr Whitcombe and Mrs Carver by showcasing all their teamwork skills. Next week, they will begin their tag rugby unit which everybody is looking forward to. Well done Year 3.

Year 4 have shown some excellent effort towards their work again this week. The children have completed their first maths unit looking at place value, showing a good understanding of comparing, ordering and rounding numbers. In PE, the children's leadership and teamwork skills are progressing well and they really enjoyed wearing blindfolds to complete tasks this week. The class have enjoyed their music lesson and are developing their understanding of tempo, dynamics, texture and structure through body percussion. Finally, the children have shown enthusiasm and confidence to recognise Roman words and phrases linked to being rich or poor in their French lessons. Well done! 

Miss McGowan says it's been another busy week in Year 5! The children have been orienteering in PE and using team work skills to make sure that they could follow a route on a map correctly. I was very impressed by their focus on this activity! In art, they have been developing new techniques and had a go at a continuous line self portrait - a very tricky skill, but the results were lovely and very creative! The class have also had another visit from Mr Mallinson this week and the children have learnt two more songs in preparation for the Pyramid Concert in the New Year. In Science, they have been studying the effect of forces. This week Year 5 investigated whether there is a link between air resistance and surface area. After carefully considering the variables, the children made their own parachutes and then tested them to see what they could find out.

Year 6 have had a great week! They have been well engrossed with their learning on the Amazon Rainforest. This week they have had to identify and label the main rainforests around the world and then identify the main features of each layer found in this type of biome. We also had a pupil led liturgy by two pupils and Mrs Freitas was very impressed with their independence and how hard they've worked to create resources (a Bible quiz) to support their peers. Keep up the fantastic work, Year 6!

Catholic Life and Faith in Action

Catholic life

If you require an application form in order to receive support from the St Vincent de Paul Society for purchasing uniform or school shoes, please either click the button below or ask for a paper copy from the school office. All such requests for forms would be treated with strict confidentiality. 

Date Event
Monday 9 October Reception Phonics Workshop @ 6:00pm
Tuesday 10 October Tempest Photography - individual portraits for pupils
Wednesday 11 October Whole School Flu Vaccines
Friday 13 October Year 5 Class Mass
Thursday 19 October Open Morning 9:30 - 11:30am
Friday 20 October Whole School Harvest Mass
Wednesday 25 October Dwarfism Awareness Day - non uniform day with green items of clothing encouraged!
Friday 27 October Year 4 Class Mass


Class Attendance % for w/c 2 to 6 October 2023
Reception 93.75
Key Stage 1 93.4
Year 3 99.17
Year 4 97.02
Year 5 96.12
Year 6 90.22

Have a great weekend

Mrs Brocklesby and Mrs Warnett

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