Message from Mrs Brocklesby -

The Christmas term is always so busy, but also a real joy. It is always so beautiful to spend this time of year in the company of youngsters; with the building excitement and looming gifts from Santa, tinsel hanging from their hair and Christmas songs ringing out. I truly do love it. However, as an adult we also know that this can be a really difficult time for individuals and families, for a whole host of reasons. This is when a community must (and should) come together to support each other. If you are finding anything difficult at this time; please reach out—to school. Remember that we are here to help all families, and if I can help in any way please do not hesitate to contact me. 

Message from Mrs Warnett

Reception Class and Year 1 have started their learning on Advent for this year. Year 1  enjoyed sharing the Advent song with Reception Class and everybody has tried hard to add the actions and join in. Reception Class have been using the small world resources to re-visit and role play parts of the Nativity story that they have been learning. The children enjoyed wearing their Christmas jumpers and showed lots of energy and enthusiasm for the Rudolph Run. Well done Year 1 and Reception Class!

Year 2 and 3 had a wonderful time this week on their trip to Cadbury World! The children have worked hard in their history and geography lessons this term, learning about the history and geography of Bournville and the work of the Cadbury family. The excitement started as the coach drove through Bournville- the children thrilled to finally see the town they have learnt so much about. As you can imagine, they were even more excited when they arrived at the factory and stepped off the coach to find the air filled with the smell of chocolate! The class had a busy day, learning about the origins of the cocoa bean, chocolate production and the work of the Cadbury family. The children enjoyed a 4D cinema (they were all very brave!), a fun ride, an adventure playground and even some free sweets and chocolate. Of course, the children enjoyed buying themselves some treats in the shop as well. What a wonderful way to finish such an interesting local history and geography topic.


Year 4 have not stopped this week! The children really enjoyed their geography field trip down to the River Severn on Tuesday with the volunteers from the Canal and River Trust. It was great to see lots of the features and process we've been learning about in class first hand. In art this week, the children have been looking and light and dark tones using charcoal with a particular focus on how proportion is used in art. The children's observation skills were also called upon in their art lesson but also in their science lesson too. The children observed the process of cooling/freezing and observed water changing states over a period of time. In history, the children have been researching some of the innovations that the Romans brought to Britain during their occupation and had to evaluate which innovation may have had the biggest impact in the British people. Finally today, the children had an opportunity to pause and reflect during an Advent retreat with Dan and Emily from One Life Music. The children always respond so positively to the songs and consolidated their knowledge of preparation during this season of Advent. The children finished their day with the Rudolph Run. They sang Christmas songs and were encouraged to stay active for ten minutes on the playground. Well done everyone!

Year 5 

It’s been another eventful week in Year 5! Although it has been very busy, it has been the most wonderful end to the week and an absolute treat for the children to join the One Life live stream for Dan and Emily to celebrate Advent. Year 5 really enjoyed singing and signing along with the signs and were especially happy to hear Saint Wulstan’s get a ‘shout out’ from Dan and Emily! The children also made incredible reindeer and were so speedy taking part in the Rudolph Run! The number of laps completed may have been a record! In lessons, the children have been working hard too. In Geography, the children used Google Maps to plan an incredible trip around the UK, visiting many landmarks and places of interest. In art, the children began to evaluate their rooms and everyday art. When Year 5 has had visitors, the artwork has definitely been a focal and discussion point! Well done for a super week Year 5, next week we will continue to learn about the importance of Advent and we will also be taking part in our Healthy Elfie activities!

Year 6 

The Year 6 children have had an exciting week, filled with unique learning opportunities. They started the week by explaining to their peers how they built their Amazon dioramas. There are many imaginative children (and parents) in Year 6. Thank you to everyone on their incredible hard work! On Tuesday, they participated in an engaging Amazon workshop, which helped to deepen their understanding of the rainforest ecosystem. The highlight of the week was when the children explored the lives of the Kambeba indigenous community, located in the heart of the Amazon. This immersive experience gave them insight into the community's culture, traditions and the challenges they face. On Friday, the children had the incredible opportunity to connect with members of the Kambeba tribe via Zoom. During this virtual meeting, they shared photos of their favourite items, fostering a meaningful exchange of culture. This Amazon workshop was the highlight of the week! Also on Friday, the children had a special opportunity to take a moment for reflection during an Advent retreat led by Dan and Emily from One Life Music. The children enthusiastically joined in with the songs and enhanced their understanding of the how to prepare for the Advent season. To end the week, the children took part in the Rudolph Run, enjoying being active with their friends. Keep up the great work, Year 6!


Bulb Planting

Wulstan's Wildlife Warriors were invited to take part in a special activity to help support the environment by planting bulbs in the Memorial Park. This initiative allowed them to contribute to the beauty of our local community while promoting sustainability. Through this hands-on experience, the children learned about the importance of nature and played a part in creating a greener, more vibrant space for everyone to enjoy. We look forward to seeing the results of their hard work bloom in the coming months!


Date Event
Friday 6 December Kemp Hospice Rudolph Run/Santa Dash
Tuesday 10 December Nativity (Reception - Year 3) - 2:00pm and 6:30pm
Monday 16 December Years 4,5, and 6 Carols @ Church, 6:30pm
Tuesday 17 December Polar Express Day plus Christmas Stories and Cookies (parents welcome 8:50-9:30AM)- more details to follow
Thursday 19 December Christmas Party Day - children to wear party clothes, lunch will be provided free by school (please still order on School Food United)
Friday 20 December End of term Mass in the school hall @ 9:15am

When attending the forthcoming events in school this term, could you please park considerately to ensure that local residents have access to their driveways at all times.  We appreciate your co-operation in being courteous to our neighbours, thank you.


Mass times during Advent

Tuesday 24 December - Christmas Eve Vigil Mass at 4:30pm (at St Wulstan's church) and 8:00pm (at Bewdley catholic church)

Wednesday 25 December - Mass at 10:00am (at St Wulstan's church)



Worcestershire Holiday Activities and Food Programme

During the school holidays, eligible families can book FREE holiday activities, family passes and events through the programme.  Funded by the Department of Education, HAF is primarily for children in receipt of benefits related free school meals (not the universal free school meals).  The programme also supports  children with special educational needs.   

More information about the programme is available on the Worcestershire County Council website.

ASDA Cashpot for Schools

St Wulstan's has signed up to the Asda Cashpot - a scheme where Asda will donate a percentage of your shop to your chosen school. If you would like to choose St Wulstan's as your school to donate to, click on the link below to find out more.

Cashpot for schools (

If your child is due to start school in September 2025 (and was born between 1 September 2020-31 August 2021), you need to apply for a school place by 15 January 2025.  For more information and to apply, please visit:

If you require assistance, please contact Mrs Brown in the school office.


Free School Meals Application

All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 receive universal free school meals.  However, based on your income, you may be eligible to a different free school meal type. This can be applied for even when your child is still in Reception, Years 1 & 2.  This entitles you to a free school meal voucher during the holidays and also continued free school meals until the end of Year 6. If you think you may qualify for these, please contact Mrs Brown in the school office for a form or visit or contact the team on 01905 845280.  They will require your date of birth and national insurance number to check whether you are eligible.

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