Message from Mrs Brocklesby

First Holy Communion

This weekend many of our Year 3 children will celebrate their First Holy Communion. First Holy Communion is a time when our children are invited to share in the Eucharist. This is the part of the Mass where the bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus. We are grateful to Father Richard, Mrs Freitas, Mrs Tasker, Mrs Mallinson and all our dedicated teachers and parents who have lovingly guided our children.


Garden Tidy Up Project

Next week you will receive information regarding our garden tidy up project. Year 6 will be working in small teams to tidy up the garden areas in school and we will be asking parents of children to support us. You will be able to sign up for a session on Arbor (bookings can be made from Wednesday June 12th).

Weekly Round Up From Mrs Warnett

This week the children in Reception Class have been introduced to Athletics in their PE lesson. They have started by learning about the ready position, awareness of space and reacting quickly. The children enjoyed the games involved and showed fantastic teamwork and a good element of healthy competition! Well done Reception Class.
Key Stage 1

KS1 have had a wonderful first week back.  They have all worked exceptionally hard. In History they have been finding out about the invention of the internet and how it has changed lives.  In PSHE they have been learning about mending friendships.  They have looked at wise and unwise choices as part of our RE work on Virtues and values and in English they have written some wonderful character descriptions on the characters within the Tin Forest.

Year 3
Year 3 have had a very sporty first week back! They started the week off with a superb effort in their first athletics lesson. The class worked on sprint starts and listened carefully to learn new techniques to improve their speed. We were especially impressed by their concentration and saw very few false starts. It bodes very well for Sports Day!
The class then had a session with Kidderminster Harriers and played a mini-tournament. Although all teams were very motivated to win, the teams all remained positive and supportive of everyone in the class and always cheered each other on. Well done for such a great sporting attitude!
Finally, ten of the children in Year 3 participated in the Wyre Forest School Sports Partnership Tennis Festival. The children rotated around 6 stations, developing key skills and movements needed for tennis. The children had a lovely morning and enjoyed showcasing their skills in a new environment with children from other local schools. Well done!
Year 4
What a busy week! On Wednesday, Year 4 completed their Bikeability Level 1 which allowed children to understand how to maintain their bikes, become more confident controlling their bikes and show an improved understanding of obstacles and their surroundings. In science, the children began looking at the layers of teeth and the impact sugar and bacteria have on the enamel layer. The children are looking forward to setting up an investigation looking at tooth decay next week! The children looked at lines of symmetry and symmetrical patterns this week in maths and really enjoyed completing symmetrical figures using mirrors to support their learning. This morning, the children celebrated Mass in the classroom with the theme 'This is How You Should Pray' being shared. Once again, the children showed reverence, confidence and clarity with their behaviour and readings. Well done!
Year 5

It has been a great start to the final half term of the year and Year 5 have been working very hard. In English, the children have been finding out about Harriet Tubman and beginning to gather information to eventually write a biography. In Science, Year 5 found out about the life cycle of birds, in DT children have created their templates ready to begin to make their stuffed toys and in PE this week, the children began to complete in tennis matches to see if we could find a Year 5 champion – the final will be held next week! The children also produced some fantastic writing in their history lesson when finding out about the Viking invasion of Lindisfarne.

Year 6

This week, the Year 6 children have taken part in the ‘Young Citizens Challenge’ which is hosted by West Mercia Police. The children learnt about some key safety measures at awareness workshops such as stranger danger and cyber safety, fire dangers and risks, water safety, electricity substation safety, learning about anti-social behaviour and road safety. The children had the opportunity to be educated on the dangers that they might not think will injure them. In English, the children have planned and written a story entitled ‘Battle of Britain’. The children learnt about how the ‘Battle of Britain’ was an attempt of the German Luftwaffe to destroy the RAF, so that German soldiers could then invade by sea in Adolf Hitler’s secret mission. The children have written their version of the battle, and Mrs Freitas is very pleased with their stories.!

Community of St Wulstan's
Thank you to all of our families who have supported school events recently. Our last cake sale raised an amazing £115.40. Thank you very much for the kind donations of cakes from our Year 3 and 4 families! The next cake sale will be on Tuesday 25 June and we would be grateful for donations from Reception and Key Stage 1. 
Summer Fayre: we would love to hold a Summer Fayre towards the end of the summer term and would be grateful for as many volunteers as possible. If you would like to get involved, please email the school office and ask to be added to the Community of St Wulstan's Whatsapp group. The email address is
Date of Event # Event
Monday 3 June 2024 # Children return to school
Tuesday 3 June - Friday 7 June 2024 # Key Stage 1 Assessments
Sunday 9 June 2024 # Year 3 First Holy Communion 11:30am at church
W/C Monday 10 June 2024 # Year 1 Phonics Screening Check
Tuesday 25 June 2024 # Cake Sale - donations from Rec and Y1/2 please!
Wednesday 26 June 2024 # HENRY: Understand My Child's Behaviour Parent Workshop - please enquire at the school office
Tuesday 2 July 2024 # Year 6 Confirmation 7:00pm at church
Wednesday 3 July 2024 # Move Up Morning
Wednesday 3 July 2024 # HENRY: Sleep and Children - please enquire at the school office
Monday 8 July 2024 # KS2 Bell-Boating Regatta
Tuesday 16 July 2024 # Sports Day - To be confirmed
Friday 19 July 2024 # Leavers Mass
Friday 19 July 2024 # End of Term
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