Dear Parents

This week we were visited by RISE Theatre for a whole day of theatre and workshops focused on 'Creation' and our roles as stewards of our planet and how each of us can care for our planet and the environment. Each child became part of story on an exciting journey around planet earth - from the cold peaks of Antarctica, the depths of the sea, to the multicoloured rainforest and the never ending awe of outer space! All the children took part in fun creative art activities throughout the day using natural resources to create collages and three dimensional art.

We will be holding our ‘Open Morning’ on Friday 14 October from 9.15-11.30am and prospective parents are invited to visit, have a guided tour of the school in action, chat to staff and look around the school. Please feel free to come along and take advantage of this opportunity and encourage any friends or neighbours with school age children to come along too. As I have said before there can be a misconception that only Catholic children can apply to our school. We welcome applications from all families of all or no faith. If you know of any families who are presently preparing to apply for a school place please encourage them to attend the Open morning or contact me to arrange a visit and tour of the school. Applications for Reception Class 2023 must be completed online by 15 January 2023.

Hagley Catholic High School will be holding their annual Open Morning on Saturday 8 October from 9.00am to 12.00pm. If you have a child in Key Stage 2, it is never too early to start thinking about High Schools. The vast majority of our children transfer to Hagley at the end of Year 6, so do take this opportunity to take a look at the school. Our Year 6 children have now received their High School transfer forms.  If you have any queries regarding transfer please do not hesitate to speak to us. 

Winter Uniform: After half term all children will all need to wear full winter uniform. This consists of white shirt or blouse and tie and grey skirts, pinafores or trousers. All shoes must be black school shoes and trainers are not permitted. Again we remind you that extreme haircuts and dyed hair are not acceptable. Several parents have asked what is the permitted cut and we request a grade 3 is the shortest. Several children have had extreme haircuts recently and once grown out we request that you adhere to our uniform policy. Thank you for your support and to the many parents who double check with me before taking their child to the hairdressers.

Parents Evening: As a result of parental feedback we will run two Parent Evenings this term. On Tuesday 1 November 4:00-7:00pm, there will be face to face meetings in school. On Thursday 3 November there will be face to face meetings in school from 4.30-5.30pm followed by virtual meetings from 6:00-7:00pm. This should address everyone's choices. For this to run smoothly and equitably it is essential that all parents adhere to the 10 minute allocated time slot. We will evaluate the system afterwards but we hope this hybrid will be the best option.

Booking slots are now open. Please use the Parent Guide attached in order to book your meeting slot using our usual School Cloud service. The link for this is below.
If you have any difficulties in booking a meeting, please contact the school office.

In Design & Technology this week, Reception and Year 1 planned, created and evaluated a fruit salad. Their design criteria was to include a variety of colours to look appealing. They had the options of blueberries, strawberries, mango, watermelon, grapes, pomegranate and pineapple.

In Science, they explored the sense of taste and worked scientifically to perform a simple taste test. The favourite fruit was watermelon.

Wulstan's Lodge: There will be a holiday club running during October half term at Wulstan's Lodge. Please find the booking form below.

If you have any queries or concerns regarding your child’s academic, social or emotional needs please do not hesitate to contact me or their class teacher. Many thanks for your continued support and enjoy a lovely weekend with your families.

KE Savage


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