Message From Mrs Brocklesby

I hope that you all had a peaceful and restful summer. It was lovely to welcome all the children back to school on Wednesday after the summer holidays. To meet the school community and see everyone looking so smart, with so many smiling and enthusiastic faces, was really inspiring to see. 

I would like to offer the warmest welcome to the Reception children, and their parents/carers.  We wish you every success throughout your time at Saint Wulstan's and I am looking forward to watching you grow and flourish throughout your time at this school.  

We also welcome – Mr Whitcombe.  Mr Whitcombe will be teaching ear 3.  We wish him every happiness as he joins the Saint Wulstan's family!   

As always, this is the start of a very busy, but exciting year.  Staff have worked tremendously hard to plan inspiring and thought provoking topics for each class.  Through these half termly topics we are dedicated to teaching children the knowledge, skills and understanding in order to allow children to make connections across their learning and the curriculum.   

I, and all the staff at Saint Wulstan's School are very much looking forward to the year ahead, working in partnership with you and your children as we continue to build on our existing successes.  

I look forward to seeing you all over the coming days in the playground.

Weekly Round Up From Mrs Warnett

Welcome back to all of our families to this, the new academic year. It has been so lovely to see the children's smiling faces each morning and to catch up on all the exciting events of the summer. In future newsletters I will provide an overview of all the events and 'goings-on' that happens each week along with important announcements and upcoming events so please make sure to read each weekly edition. The school calendar on our website will begin to be updated so please check regularly for upcoming events. 

Mrs Portman and Mrs Harris have said that the Reception Class have had a fantastic start to the year. They have been enjoying getting to know each other and exploring their new classroom. It has been wonderful to have some lovely weather and to be able to make the most of the outdoor learning area!

Key Stage 1 have had a wonderful start to the new school year. They have settled in well and have impressed Mrs Morgan with their kindness and good manners.  The children are looking forward to starting their new topics next week. In History they will be looking at ‘Then and Now’, in Geography they will discover what it means to be Map Makers and in science they will be learning all about Animals including Humans.  Well done KS1 for such a fantastic start! 

Year 5 have had a fantastic start to the year as they had their first visit from Mr Mallinson and have already learnt 3 of their songs! This year's theme is the Electric 80s and we look forward to inviting our families to come to Year 5's performance at Birmingham Symphony Hall in February. There is also great excitement today as the children have departed on the annual residential weekend to Manor Adventure. This is always a memorable experience and I am very grateful to Mr Tasker and Miss McGowan for giving up their weekend and to Mrs Freitas for organising the trip. The children always have a wonderful time as they face new challenges with great courage and enthusiasm. I will be accompanying the children and staff also and look forward to filling you in on our adventures upon our return!

Well done to the Year 6 children who led Mass in school this morning. They were a great example to the younger children with their behaviour and attitude. A special thank you to the readers and altar servers for carrying out their roles so reverently.

As we look forward to a new and exciting academic year, please remember that if you have any concerns, emotional, social or academic about your child please do not hesitate to speak to your child's teacher or myself so that together we can address any concerns swiftly.


Catholic Life and Faith In Action

Thank you to everyone for attending our first Whole School Mass this morning. It was a wonderful way to start and celebrate the new academic year. Thank you to Mrs Freitas and Year 6 for organising and reading so beautifully, and to Mrs Mallinson for accompanying our singing.

Dates For Your Diary

Date Event
Monday 18 to Wednesday 20 September Year 6 Residential Trip
Thursday 5 October Scholastic Book Fair in school
Friday 6 October INSET Day - school closed to pupils
Tuesday 10 October Tempest Photography - individual portraits for pupils
Wednesday 11 October Whole School Flu Vaccines
Friday 13 October Year 6 Class Mass
Friday 20 October Year 5 Class Mass
Friday 27 October Whole School Harvest Mass


Each week, we will provide the attendance figures for each class. It is vital that all children attend school every day - an attendance score of 95% over a school year is equivalent to 10 days, two whole weeks, of missed education! If your child is absent from school at any time for any reason, please contact the school office as soon as is possible to let us know in order to comply with Safeguarding procedures. If children have not arrived at school by 9:30am and we have not been notified, please expect a telephone call from the school office. 

Have a great weekend

Mrs Brocklesby and Mrs Warnett

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