10 May 2019

Dear Parents

Year 6 children SATs tests begin this coming Monday. The children have been working very hard and are well prepared for these tests and I am sure that they are ready for whatever they are faced with next week! As a staff we are very impressed by their focus and diligence and also their mature attitude. My thanks go to Miss Hill and Mrs Mound who have worked tirelessly to support the children and to ensure that they are as well prepared as they possibly can be.

As we have done in previous years the children are invited to arrive at school early for the four days of testing to join their classmates for a breakfast of toast and fruit juice at 8.30am each morning. The Year 6 children will be working in various places throughout the school all week. We like the children to have plenty of fresh air during the tests and many windows around the school may be open each morning. As such, we politely request that any parents or visitors arriving after 9:00am and before 12:00pm to approach the school site in silence. We thank you for your understanding as we support our youngsters in every way possible. Good luck Year 6 ! 

Year 2 are also working very hard at the moment as they work towards their KS1 SATs. These are done in a very different way with Mrs Tasker working with small groups of children to complete the tests and then assessing the results. Finally, it will be the turn of Year 1 children to take part in statutory testing as they complete their phonics screening check in the week beginning 10 June. As the children are used to their routine of daily phonics lesson they will unaware that this is anything different. It is crucial that all children have full attendance and arrive at school promptly in order for them to achieve to their full potential in these assessments.

To help celebrate the end of SATs, and have a fun evening for all the school, the PTA have organized a disco for the children on Thursday 23 May from 6.00 -7.30pm. The entry cost is £2 per child or £5 for a family of three. Hotdogs will be on sale along with small bags of sweets and drinks. We look forward to seeing many of the children there.

It was with great sadness that we learnt of the death of one of our children’s uncle over the Easter holiday. His family and friends are holding a Family Funday in his memory this Saturday at Stourport Swifts Juniors FC 1.30-4.40pm. There will be family games, food, bar, tombola, bouncy castle and raffle. Entry is £1 per adult and children free which includes entry to the raffle and all are welcome.

Week commencing 20 May will be extremely busy for the children as Year 6, Year 1 and Year 4 are all out on trips linked to their summer topics. If you have not already done so please refer to ParentPay for payment and permission. I am sure each of these trips will enhance the children’s learning as history is brought to life in hands on experiences. We look forward to hearing of their experiences.

I would like to end this week will a tremendous congratulations to the children of Reception Class. This morning I and many family  friends and parishioners attended their Class Mass. A couple of months ago the children would read out their prayers, prompted step by step by Mrs Edwards. This morning the children stepped forward confidently and totally independently to read an Introduction, Readings, Responsorial Psalm or Bidding prayer. They read with clarity, fluency and confidence. The Offertory was carried forward with great reverence and every child was focused and prayerful. To see this in our very youngest children was very moving bringing an added meaning to their Mass. Thank you Reception Class it was an absolute joy to be at your Mass, we are all very proud of you.

Wishing you a lovely weekend with your family.

K E Savage


Congratulations to our Year 5 boys James, Oliver B. and Oliver T. who over the Easter holidays won a football tournament at St. George’s Park. They played 7 games (against many different teams) and won them all! Well done boys!

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