Ascension Mass

Today in school we celebrated the feast of the Ascension with a Whole School Mass. Our children read and sang enthusiastically, we could certainly feel the strength of the Holy Spirit.

As always I was immensely proud of EVERYONE.


All of next week, our wonderful children in Year 6 will be showing their brilliance in the end of Key Stage 2 assessments, know as the SATs.  They will be taking papers in Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar, Reading and Maths.  I know that they will work incredibly hard so please be especially kind and respectful to them next week - they will be very tired!


Weekly Round Up From Mrs Warnett



This week Reception Class have been learning about the lifecycle of plants. They have planted some sunflower seeds and are very excited to watch them grow. The children have made predictions about what will happen to plants in different conditions. In their cricket lesson the class have been practising their throwing and catching skills on their own and with others. They have also been working on controlling the ball using a bat. It is lovely to see how excited the children are for their cricket lessons!

Key Stage 1

In Maths, Year 2 have been learning about statistics and creating their own tally charts. Year 1 have been learning about fractions. In English the children wroth riddles which were packed with all of the skills they have been developing. IN IT the children have added sound features to their e-books.  In art and design the children have been printing.  In Geography they have been learning all about weather forecasts and unfortunately predict that the glorious sunshine wont last!

Year 3

Year 3 were excited to finish reading The Iron Man this week. They have been working on prediction skills in our VIPERS reading lessons and made some very thoughtful suggestions, but still no-one was prepared for what actually happened! Mrs Tasker and Mrs Mallinson have really enjoyed their enthusiastic responses to the story and their fascinating ideas and questions.
In maths, the class have finished some tricky work on money and have impressed their teachers with their problem-solving skills particularly. Hopefully, this means they will all be great with money as they get older! On Thursday, we were really proud of the children that went to the Tri-Golf Festival. The children came back really excited to share their experiences and had a wonderful time trying a new sport. 
The class were glad to finish such a hard-working week with a cooling swim today! It is lovely to see how excited the children are for their Friday swimming each week!


Year 4

Year 4 have been developing their research in several subjects these week and are growing in confidence and accuracy. In science, the children had to find positive and negative impacts that humans have on habitats. It was pleasing to hear the children's passion to make a change to help habitats locally and globally. In art, the children have been exploring techniques to develop imagery. They researched the artists Ruth Daniels and Senaka Senanayake and looked into the influences of colour, pattern and shape found in nature that inspire their work. Finally in history, the children researched the key factors behind the 'Industrial Revolution' and will use these to help understand the development of the Stourport-on-Severn Basin and local area. The children enjoyed asking lots of questions and sharing their experiences of the town. Well done!

Year 5

Even though it has only been a 4 day week, Year 5 have worked so hard! From developing their bowling skills in cricket, to using their working scientifically skills to research the life cycles of a range of different mammals, Year 5 have produced some really wonderful work and have been keen to share their knowledge. In maths, the children have been looking at translation, reflection and symmetry and in English, have been using modal verbs to give the characters in our book, Freedom Bird, advice to try and stay safe. As artists, the children have been exploring their ideas of what they feel the future will look like and have drawn these ideas using a range of materials. This will then be added to their final artwork which will include line drawing, printing and collage.

Year 6

Year 6 have had a really busy few days ahead of their assessment week. In Science, the Year 6 children have been learning about cigarettes and vaping.
They have identified what cigarettes are made from, the dangers of smoking and vaping including their effects on the body. They have looked at the impact of smoking on the heart and it has also allowed them to recap knowledge learnt in the circulatory system unit. In Guided Reading, when completing 3 mark reading questions, the children have been consolidating their knowledge on how to  give evidence from the text to support their answers. In R.E., the children have identified that the Church’s belief in eternal life is founded upon the Resurrection of Christ from the dead. They have learnt why some symbols are used at Baptism and at a funeral. Also, they can identify the symbols and explain why they are important both for Baptism and a funeral. Finally, the Year 6 children have also completed plenty of revision and are determined to give it their all next week. Good luck Year 6, this is their time to shine.

School Disco!

Summer Uniform   

Now the sunny weather is hopefully around the corner, children can now wear shorts or the red checked dress if they so wish.  Listed below is the full summer uniform list.


. Grey tailored trousers or shorts, grey skirt or pinafore (Lycra or jersey fabric trousers are not permitted)

Red polo shirt or white school shirt and tie (no white polo shirts or blouses.  Shirts may be long or short sleeved)

Grey socks


. Red check dress with white socks


. Grey or red V neck jumper, cardigans or sweatshirt - branded with school logo or without logo

. Black school shoes (boots, trainers or open toe sandals are not permitted)

Class Events Week Commencing 13 May 2024
Reception Class We are eagerly anticipating our butterflies emerging from their chrysalides!
Key Stage 1 Finding out about morse code!
Year 3 Learning the recorder!
Year 4 D&T - Analyse and evaluate torch designs. Music - Playing Samba rhythms using instruments.
Year 5 New history topic - The Vikings! New DT Topic - Textiles and building on our 12 Bar Blues in music.
Year 6
Date of Event Event
Monday 13 - Thursday 16 May 2024 Year 6 SATs Week
Wednesday 22 May 2024 HENRY: Fussy Eating Parent Workshop TBC
Thursday 16 May 2024 School Disco 5:30 - 7:00pm
Friday 24 May 2024 Half Term
Sunday 9 June 2024 Year 3 First Holy Communion 11:30am at church
Tuesday 25 June 2024 Cake Sale - donations from Rec and Y1/2 please!
Wednesday 26 June 2024 HENRY: Understand My Child's Behaviour Parent Workshop TBC
Tuesday 2 July 2024 Year 6 Confirmation 7:00pm at church
Wednesday 3 July 2024 HENRY: Eat Well For Less Parent Workshop TBC
Monday 8 July 2024 KS2 Bell-Boating Regatta
Friday 19 July 2024 End of Term
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