Message From Mrs Brocklesby
We aim to be a self-evaluating school by regularly consulting with children, parents, carers and other stakeholders to improve our practice. Next week you will receive a link to a questionnaire to obtain your views.
There are three Parents' Evenings every year and the first parents' evenings of the school year are next week on Tuesday and Thursday. At the meeting you will have an opportunity to discuss your child's progress, look at their work and receive an attendance update.
At Parents' Evening you will also have the opportunity to view photo slideshows about school life and class/school events.
In addition to these parents' evenings, a written report will be sent to parents towards the end of the Summer Term. This will include information about your child's attainment, the topics they have covered during the year as well as their own report on how they feel they have worked during the year. Thank you for your continued support.
In our Service today children learned about Remembrance Sunday. Remembrance Day is held on the 11th of November - the 11th day of the 11th month
of the year. Remembrance Day was first held in 1919, one year after the First World War ended. It is sometimes known as Armistice day. On Remembrance Day,
people will lay wreaths of poppies on statues and monuments to remember all the soldiers who died for us. Poppies are worn on Remembrance Day because they are the flowers which grew on the battlefields after the First World War ended. We use Remembrance Day to remember all those who fought for their country, those who died and those who came home.
At our service today we were joined by Mr Freeman Mayor of Stourport, Mrs Dawes Deputy Mayor of Stourport, Mrs Sheldon Royal British legion Branch treasurer, Mrs Coombes Royal British legion Branch Secretary and Mr Trownson Parade Marshall Corporal Royal Military Police.
Weekly Round Up From Mrs Warnett
This week the children in Reception have been learning about bonfire night. The children learnt about The Gunpowder Plot and who Guy Fawkes was. Inspired by lots of talk about bonfires and fireworks, the children created their own bonfire outside and enjoyed singing songs and pretending to toast marshmallows over the fire. As part of their learning, the children also talked about 'People who help us' with a focus on firefighters. The children enjoyed finding out about the role of a firefighter and comparing fire engines today to the ones used a long time ago. Lots of fun was had when the children dressed up as firefighters and put out fires all around the classroom - they even rescued a few cats that were stuck in trees!
Mr Whitcombe says that Year 3 have hit the ground running after coming back from the half term holiday. They have produced some fantastic work in their subjects this week and have been enthusiastic about the new topics they will be learning about. The new topic in Science is nutrition and diet. The children spent their first lesson in this topic organising different foods into the five food groups. They then debated whether they agreed with each other’s choices. The new topic in PE is dance. The children this week have learnt how to create a motif in time with music. Creating a series of actions that are linked together with different travel movements. They all really enjoyed this. Year 3 also enjoyed working with their Faith Friends in Year 6 to create poppies for Remembrance Day. Everyone did an amazing job. Well done Year 3 on a brilliant first week back.
Year 4 have had a great start to the new half term and have showed interest and enthusiasm to their learning. The children has looked at punctuating speech in English lessons and have enjoyed creating conversations between their favourite book or film characters. Year 4 were very supportive and patient with the KS1 children as they made their poppies for the Remembrance service today. The children have enjoyed completing challenges and problems in our maths lessons, where they had to measure the area of 2-D shapes. Year 4 have also developed their understanding of plants and tree features and have been able to use classification keys to group them. Some of the Year 4 children also took part in the cross country this morning and Mr Tasker says they should be very proud of their efforts. Well done!
This week Year 5 have started a new book in their English lessons, FArTHER by Grahame Baker Smith, and have been making predictions about how the characters might feel and why, as well as writing in role to express these thoughts. The children have also started new topics in PE, where they are focusing on dance and gymnastics. The first lessons have been excellent and the children have been so enthusiastic and focused. Miss McGowan said that Year 5 were also wonderful role models when working with Reception to create their beautiful poppies. A great start to the new half term Year 5, well done!
This week Year 6 started a new unit in P.E. The children were encouraged to find a space in the room and perform a balance. They discussed what the balance should look like and they all agreed on the fact that each balance should be aesthetically pleasing with non-support limbs extended, straightened and pointed away from the body where possible. All were encouraged to hold each balance for at least 3 seconds. The highlight of the week was when the Year 6 children had the opportunity to work closely with their faith friends on their poppies for Remembrance Day.
Remembrance Assembly
This week the children attended a Remembrance Day Assembly planned and organised by Mrs Freitas. The children all reflected on the bravery of men and women, who sacrificed so much for their countries. Every child created a poppy with their faith friend. All the poppies have been displayed outside the school by Mrs Brown's office.
Eternal Rest Prayer
Well done this week to our certificate winners! Please see our Facebook page for the children that received an award this week
On Sunday, one of our Year 6 pupils took part in her first judo competition and came away with a bronze medal. She has been training for judo for about 5 months now - well done Betsie!
Dates For Your Diary
Date | Event |
Tuesday 14 November | Parents Evening 1 4:00 - 7:00pm |
Thursday 16 November | Parents Evening 2 4:30 - 5:30 in person, 6:00 - 7:00pm online |
Friday 24 November | Year 3 Class Mass @ 9:15am |
Friday 24 November | Three Kings Parade - Stourport |
Friday 1 December | KS1 and Year 6 Class Mass @ 9:15am |
Friday 8 December | Whole School Mass - The Immaculate Conception |
Friday 8 December | Christmas Jumper Day plus Santa Dash/Reindeer Run for Kemp Hospice |
Wednesday 13 December | Key Stage 2 Carol Service |
Friday 15 December | Reception and Year 5 Mass @ 9:15am |
Monday 18 December | EYFS & KS1 Nativity @ 2:00pm |
Monday 18 December | EYFS & KS1 Nativity @ 5:45pm |
Friday 22 December | Whole School Mass |
Friday 22 December | School closes for Christmas at 3:30pm |
Class | Pecentage Attendance w/c 6 November 2023 |
Reception Class | 86.25 |
Key Stage 1 | 91 |
Year 3 | 89.67 |
Year 4 | 97.14 |
Year 5 | 94.48 |
Year 6 | 92.61 |