Message from Mrs Brocklesby

Can you believe it! At times it feels like this year has flown by and other times it seems like a lifetime ago since we welcomed the children back last September. So much has happened! We’ve all been on an exciting journey together that is slowly coming to a stop for the summer holidays. Thank you once again for all your support and kindness.

Next week we will wish all of our wonderful Year 6 all the luck in the world as they leave us next Friday. You’re all stars ready to shine. All we ask is that you pop back in to say hello.

This week we saw the wonderful Key Stage 2 production of Shrek. It was performed brilliantly by Year 6 and I was wowed by the singing, acting, dancing, costumes and props. Years 3, 4 and 5 sang a song in the musical and performed with confidence and enthusiasm. I would particularly like to thank Mrs Freitas, Mrs Mound and Miss Farrington for directing and all the key stage 2 staff for preparing the children. I am sure you will agree, they did a fantastic job.

The community spirit at Saint Wulstan's is a real strength and I am looking forward to seeing you all at the summer fete on Tuesday after school.

Weekly Round Up From Mrs Warnett

This week the children in Reception Class went on a trip to the farm. They were particularly excited to be making their journey there on a bus! At the farm the children enjoyed stroking and feeding some animals. They especially enjoyed the bug room where they got to see a giant millipede, a tarantula and a stick insect. The children enjoyed riding on the tractors and even got to sit in a real fire engine. They have written a recount of their trip and have been excited to tell everyone all about the fun they had.
Key Stage 1 

It’s been another busy week in Key Stage 1. On Wednesday the girls took part in a football festival and did a fabulous job of representing our school with their excellent behaviour and skills. On Thursday Year 2 took part in a cricket festival, they behaved beautifully and had a great time.  The children have enjoyed starting their mini topics on The Olympics this week and have even been learning how to greet people in French. The children loved watching the Year 6 production of Shrek this week. 

Year 3
Year 3 enjoyed a walk to Stourport High Street to carry out some geographical field work. The children were trying to find out the answer to the question, ‘Why do people visit Stourport?’ and had a wonderful time conducting surveys with people on the High Street. The children really impressed us with their maturity and politeness and many members of the public commented on their beautiful manners and enthusiasm. The children had been prepared for the possibility of people turning down their requests for participants, but were so charming that everyone we asked was happy to help! Well done, Year 3!
Afterwards, the class visited Little Big Town to interview Mrs Roden about being a local business owner. The children listened carefully to Mrs Roden’s answers and will be using them in their geography lessons this week. The children then enjoyed taking it in turns to serve each other in the cafe, selling each other drinks and cake. A HUGE ‘Thank you!’ to Mrs Roden for her hard work and kindness in hosting the class this morning. We are also very grateful, as always, to our wonderful adult helpers, who make fields trips like this possible. We look forward to seeing their findings from the survey in their geography work.
Year 3 had a wonderful time participating in the KS2 play for the first time. It was lovely to see the class's enthusiasm as they performed their mice dance to 'RESPECT' by Aretha Franklin. The children loved supporting the older children in the play and already looking forward to performing again next year!
Year 4.
The children have had a busy week and tiring week but have kept on going until the end! On Tuesday we welcomed Marissa from the Wild Life Trust for our 'Beasts in a Bag' workshop. Firstly, the children used classification keys to identify insects found in our pond, looking carefully at their characteristics. They then created insect artwork using some of the key characteristics of an insect, drawing on inspiration from Clare Youngs and Ed Kluz. The children have also really enjoyed sharing their class song to the school during the dress rehearsal and on the stage performing to parents. They did an excellent job celebrating friendship through song and dance while wearing colourful clothing and face paints. The week has ended with the children participating in the annual bellboating regatta hosted by Andy Train and the Stourport Rowing Club. The enthusiasm, competitiveness and teamwork they showed was great and they all had a lovely day! Well done!
Year 5

What a busy week! Year 5 were lucky enough to have a fun session with the Harriers this week where they had their own version of the Euros, with a Spain v Netherlands Final and Spain emerging as victorious in a very exciting final! The children continued with a sporting theme with a wonderful afternoon at Hagley High School. The children were each designated a sport and had the chance to participate in either tennis, five a side football, trampolining, athletics, or boccia. Our children were wonderful ambassadors for our school; their behaviour was exemplary and they were very sporting and supportive of each other and children from other schools. The children also performed brilliantly as part of the Year 6 play - always enthusiastic performers – an excellent job Year 5! Miss Morgan also said how fantastic the children were today during Bell Boating. Thank you to our grown-up helpers too! Well done Year 5 what a fab week – this has definitely demonstrated to us that you are demonstrating all the skills and qualities needed to be ready to be top of our school in Year 6. 

Year 6

It's been a fantastic week for Year 6! Well done to our Year 6 pupils who performed a great KS2 production of ‘Shrek’. The story is based on an ogre named Shrek who is joined by his best friend donkey  and they take on a daring quest to rescue the feisty Princess Fiona. There is also a fire breathing Dragon, a Gingerbread man with attitude, Pinocchio and a whole bunch of fairy tale misfits who provided the audiences with many giggles. The performance was full of jokes, singing and dancing which kept the audiences entertained. Thank you to all the parents  for providing the costumes and to all the children and staff for all their hard work in preparing this production. All staff are proud of the children for their wonderful and entertaining performances. Well done! To end the week, the Year 6 children took part in the Bell Boating Regatta on the River Severn. They raced really well and got through to the finals. It was very busy but they paddled their way down the river and represented our school incredibly well. Well done Year 6!


Community of St Wulstan's
Summer Fayre: This will take place after school on Tuesday 16 July after school between 3:45pm and 6:00pm. Please let Mrs Brown in the office know that you would like to be added to the Community of St Wulstan’s WhatsApp group.

Free School Meals Entitlement

All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to universal free school meals.  You may qualify for the other type of free school meals, which is based on your income (you can still apply even if your child is still in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2.  It is worth checking if you qualify for the income based free school meals because you will be entitled to other benefits eg holiday free school meal vouchers.  Visit the following website to check whether you are eligible: . If you have any questions, please contact the school office for assistance.

Holiday Club Booking Information

Date of Event Event
Tuesday 16 July 2024 Talent Show (PM)
Tuesday 16 July 2024 Sports Day 9:00am - 12:00pm
Tuesday 16 July 2024 Summer Fayre @ 3:45pm - 6:00pm
Wednesday 17 July 2024 Reception/Year 1 Drop In - 3:00pm - 4:30pm
Friday 19 July 2024 Leavers' Mass - 9:15am @ school
Friday 19 July 2024 End of Term
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