Message from Mrs Brocklesby

Today I was so proud of our school community as Years 2-6 walked to Saint Wulstan's Church. On the journey we were role models and shining examples of how we live out our school mission on a daily basis. Father Richard celebrated Mass in Church and was astounded by the reverence the children displayed. Thank you to Mrs Freitas and Year 6 for leading and preparing our Mass and thank you to Mr Jones (Governor), parents and parishioners for joining us.

There was a very clear message today, which I hope your children will share with you over the weekend,

"I am a disciple for you Jesus; to bring good news to shine for you."






  • Hagley Sports which is a family ran, local business who have been providing uniform to schools for over twenty years will be supplying our uniform.
  • They have online ordering available via the “shop” sections on the Hagley Sports website and offer delivery and click & collect on all orders.
  • A link will also be available on our school website.



Weekly Round Up From Mrs Warnett

Year 1 and Reception enjoyed their first PE lesson together this week. The first lesson was a chance for the children to explore their space and the movements of their body. They also worked in pairs or small groups to combine their gross motor and fine motor skills to collect beanbags for their team. The staff were impressed by the focus and determination of the children. The Year 1 children were wonderful in the way they helped the younger children to get ready for the lesson and how they supported them through the activities. Well done everyone!

Year 2 and 3 have enjoyed bulb planting this week! The children found out which spring bulbs are best for helping pollinators in early spring, when not many other flowers are available. The class planted crocuses and species tulips. Everyone worked hard, using all their strength to dig holes of the correct depth. The children especially enjoyed using the bulb planter! The children thought carefully when choosing the best sites to plant their bulbs and made sure that their bulbs were planted the right way up. Another important lesson that the children will learn is patience and acting in the present to better one's future. They know that they will have to wait until the spring to see the beautiful flowers that their hard work will have created. "Thank you!" to Mrs Young for her kind help during our gardening.!

The children have had a really busy week starting lots of new topics and they have really enjoyed sharing their prior knowledge and understanding. In PE, the children worked in teams to complete tasks that were designed to develop their determination and resilience. These characteristics will be so important when facing new challenges as the year progresses. In science, the children explored what sound is and how it is made. They interacted with musical instruments and were able to explain what vibrations were and how they travelled. In music, the children began their lesson listening to a piece of music and recapped some prior knowledge from last year. They then talked about structure and texture of a piece of music which used body percussion to create sound. Keep up the great work!

Year 5: After last weekend’s amazing trip to Manor Adventure, Year 5 have continued to be absolute superstars and have worked so hard this week! In Science, the children have begun to investigate forces. They first investigated friction and considered whether it may be a helpful or unhelpful force. The children have also started reading a new book, FaRther. They started by talking about hopes and dreams as a character in the book talks about their hopes and dreams too. In PE, the children had to work together to solve problems during our OAA session and demonstrated all their tag rugby skills to Miss McGowan – she was very impressed! To end the week, Year 5 had a fabulous Music lesson with Mrs Mallinson and conducted a little market research for their new DT project. What a busy week Year 5 – keep up the wonderful work!

Year 6: Its been a great week for Year 6. The children have been introduced to their reading book. It is entitled 'The Explorer' which is set in the Amazon Rainforest. The author Katherine Rundell tells the story of four children who are stranded in the rainforest following a plane crash. It is a thrilling story of adventure, friendship and survival. The children can't wait to find out more. In Science, the children have started a new unit 'Living Things and Their Habitats'. They are learning to describe how organisms are classified based on their characteristics, similarities and differences. This includes plants, animals and microorganisms. In Art, the children will be creating their own designs using photography. This week they explored creative photographic techniques, creating new images through photomontage. Finally, to end the week, the Year 6 children led the 'Beginning of the School Year' Mass. They were reverent, prayerful and inspiring with their heavenly singing. They brought a lot of joy to everyone in church. A special thank you to the Year 6 children for leading Mass so beautifully. 



If your child is due to start school in September 2025 (and was born between 1 September 2020-31 August 2021), you need to apply for a school place by 15 January 2025.  For more information and to apply, please visit:

If you require assistance, please contact Mrs Brown in the school office.


Transferring to Secondary School in September 2025 - If your child is in Year 6, you need to apply for a school place by 31 October 2024.  For more information and to apply visit:  If you require assistance, please contact Mrs Brown in the school office.

Free School Meals Application

All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 receive universal free school meals.  However, based on your income, you may be entitled to a different free school meal type which continues after Year 2.  This also entitles you to a free school meal voucher during the holidays.  If you think you may qualify for these, please contact Mrs Brown in the school office for a form or visit or contact the team on 01905 845280.  They will require your date of birth and national insurance number to check whether you are eligible.

Autumn Term Dates

Monday 30 September Alton Castle Meeting - 3.30pm in the Year 6 classroom
Thursday 3 October National Poetry Day- Families welcome to join us in school from 8:50 AM-9:30 AM
WB Monday 7 October Book Fair
Monday 7 October Phonics Evening - 6.00pm in the school hall
Wednesday 9 October Open Morning
Friday 18 October Harvest Mass -9.15am in the school hall
Friday 6 December Reindeer Run/Santa Dash
Tuesday 10 December KS1 Nativity - 2.00pm & 6.30pm in the school hall
Wednesday 11 December KS2 Carols at 6.30pm at St Wulsan's church, Stourport
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