Message from Mrs Brocklesby -
Today at 2 o'clock all the Emmaus Schools came together in prayer and faith as a family as part of the Emmaus Advent Journey. Each school was sequentially linked to a special part of the story. The story begins, with God's first promise in Genesis and the prophesies that first foretold the coming of Jesus.
In school Mrs Freitas and Year Six created a prayer display (see below), to represent our allocated part of the Advent journey which was, 'The Light Has Come.' Every class contributed to the display by writing a thoughtful prayer.
The Light Has Come: Luke 2:4-7
Christmas is here! It’s time to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ—the Light of
the World! Jesus was born in a stable in Bethlehem. God wanted to show us that Jesus
Christ came to bring salvation to everyone - not just the rich and powerful, but the poor
and downtrodden.
‘While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, 7 and she gave birth to her
firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there
was no guest room available for them.’
You will see below our prayer display.
Children from all the Emmaus Schools participated in the prayer service via teams. I was particularly proud of our Year Five and Six children who led a Reflection delivering the important message below.
'Christmas is a time to celebrate a wonderful gift that God gave us. God gave us Jesus. God sent his only Son to us so that we could one day enjoy eternal life in heaven. Let's be with Mary and Joseph when Jesus was born.'
This week we held our Nativity production from the children in Reception, Key Stage One and Year Three. They were both fabulous performances and it was wonderful to see all the children taking part. The children sang their hearts out and this was matched by the clear voices when saying their lines. Well done to all the children and thank you to all the staff in Reception, Key Stage One and Year Three who supported them.
Message from Mrs Warnett
Reception / Year 1 - Reception and Year 1 have been getting into the festive spirit this week. On Monday our role play area was transformed into Santa's workshop. The children have loved dressing up as elves and have been busy making and wrapping presents. The children have had lots of opportunities to practise their writing skills in the workshop whilst they have been writing Christmas lists and cards for each other. On Tuesday the children all took part in the Nativity; they all sang and performed so well and the staff were incredibly proud of their efforts. On Wednesday the children took part in Healthy Elfie activities with the Year 6 sports crew. The children got to have a go at a variety of physical activities whilst enjoying some Christmas music. The children showed great enthusiasm and were able to talk about the importance of exercise for keeping healthy.
Year 2 and 3
Year 2 and 3 have had a wonderful time this week, taking part in the Nativity play. The children were so excited and proud of themselves as they performed to friends and family. We were all so impressed by how well the class supported the younger children on the stage and performed with great confidence and enthusiasm. Well done! Thank you so much to our families for helping children learn their lines, providing costumes and coming to support the children. The class have also enjoyed Healthy Elfie this week and listened carefully to the Sports Crew leaders when taking part in activities. They noticed how their bodies changed after exercising and how it made them feel. The children have also been busy this week, creating some beautiful Christmas gifts for their families. We can't wait to show them to you!
Year 4
In art this week, the children looked at compositions using collage. They cut out patterns and objects on paper and glued them to create images that they will use for inspiration in next week's lesson. There was a buzz of excitement in PE this week, as the children developed their spins and balances on to higher levels. The children created some excellent movements using the ropes, wall bars and benches. In geography, the children got their hands wet trying to recreate the four different ways rivers transport materials along their course. On Wednesday afternoon, the class got in to the festive spirit by participating in the 'Healthy Elfie' festival. They enjoyed singing, dancing and completing four different activities which promoted fun and exercise. The children have been working really hard in preparation for the Advent service on Monday. We have heard some wonderful singing and confident reading which they are looking forward to sharing with you. Finally, as a treat for all their efforts in swimming this term, the children enjoyed a 'fun' session as part of their swimming lesson today. It was really lovely seeing how confident many of the children have become in the water this year and they were able to show this by creating different games with each other in the pool.
Year 5
As we are fast approaching the end of a very busy term, Year 5 are keeping up the hard work. During this week, the children have been working to develop their knowledge of fractions. They have been having to apply their tables knowledge to convert fractions and then have been adding and subtracting them. It has been tricky at times, but with hard work and determination Year 5 have been very successful. In Science, the children have been speaking like Scientists to explain why we have day and night and to explain the movement of the Moon in relation to the Earth. On Wednesday afternoon, the wonderful Year 6s arranged for Year 5 to take part in their ‘Healthy Elfie’ activities. Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed this and will be looking forward to leading this next year! To end the week, Year 5 attended the virtual Emmaus Advent Prayer Service. It was lovely to see the children participate so thoughtfully and reverently, a lovely way end to the week. The children have also been getting ready for their Carol Service next week and will be very keen for grown ups to join for this occasion.
Year 6
It’s been the assessment for Year 6, and the children have completed their assessments! Their dedication, perseverance, and hard work have shone through during this period. Each child has put forth their best effort, demonstrating resilience and a commitment to their learning. In R.E., the children are developing their knowledge and understanding of the two parts of the Season of Advent. It is a time to prepare for Christ to come again and a time to prepare to celebrate his birth at Christmas. In English, the children have been working on writing persuasive letters to our headteacher about the exciting idea of visiting the rainforest! They carefully researched the importance of rainforests and presented their ideas clearly and persuasively. It has been wonderful to see them so passionate about this topic. On Wednesday, Sports Crew organised and supported their friends with the Healthy Elfie challenges. Everyone had great fun! To end the week, Year 6 celebrated Mass, and Fr. Richard reminded us all about the importance of kindness and serving our neighbours. His message encouraged us to reflect on how we can make a positive difference in the lives of those around us through simple acts of compassion and service. Thank you to the Year 6 children for being reverent and prayerful.
Reminder: Next Tuesday, the children have a Polar Express Pyjama Day. Children may come to school that day in their pyjamas and may wear cosy slippers, but please ensure that they also have a pair of shoes to wear at break times outdoors as well as a warm coat.
The day will start with family reading time. This time the theme will be Christmas Tales and Cookies. We invite family members to come to school with their child/ren first thing in the morning from 8.50am - 9.30am to share a Christmas story whilst enjoying cookies. Please sign the visitor register in class when you arrive.
At 9.30am, there will a short reading presentation in the hall with Mrs Tasker. The focus of this session will be on phonics and how this leads into reading and spelling higher up the school.
In the afternoon, the children will enjoy a viewing of 'The Polar Express'. There will be hot chocolate and a popcorn machine for the children to enjoy.
Children don't need to come in school uniform for Party Day but can wear their own home clothes/sparkly party wear. School is providing a free lunch for the children. All children will receive a free meal, even those in Key Stage 2 who normally pay. Please do remember to select your menu choice on School Food United. You are of course very welcome to provide your child with a packed lunch from home if you prefer.
Please do join us to celebrate the last Mass of term. Refreshments will be served afterwards. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Date | Event |
Friday 6 December | Kemp Hospice Rudolph Run/Santa Dash |
Tuesday 10 December | Nativity (Reception - Year 3) - 2:00pm and 6:30pm |
Monday 16 December | Years 4,5, and 6 Carols @ Church, 6:30pm |
Tuesday 17 December | Polar Express Day plus Christmas Stories and Cookies (parents welcome 8:50-9:30AM)- more details to follow |
Thursday 19 December | Christmas Party Day - children to wear party clothes, lunch will be provided free by school (please still order on School Food United) |
Friday 20 December | End of term Mass in the school hall @ 9:15am |
When attending the forthcoming events in school this term, could you please park considerately to ensure that local residents have access to their driveways at all times. We appreciate your co-operation in being courteous to our neighbours, thank you.
Tuesday 24 December - Christmas Eve Vigil Mass at 4:30pm (at St Wulstan's church) and 8:00pm (at Bewdley catholic church)
Wednesday 25 December - Mass at 10:00am (at St Wulstan's church)
During the school holidays, eligible families can book FREE holiday activities, family passes and events through the programme. Funded by the Department of Education, HAF is primarily for children in receipt of benefits related free school meals (not the universal free school meals). The programme also supports children with special educational needs.
More information about the programme is available on the Worcestershire County Council website.
ASDA Cashpot for Schools
St Wulstan's has signed up to the Asda Cashpot - a scheme where Asda will donate a percentage of your shop to your chosen school. If you would like to choose St Wulstan's as your school to donate to, click on the link below to find out more.
If your child is due to start school in September 2025 (and was born between 1 September 2020-31 August 2021), you need to apply for a school place by 15 January 2025. For more information and to apply, please visit:
If you require assistance, please contact Mrs Brown in the school office.
All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 receive universal free school meals. However, based on your income, you may be eligible to a different free school meal type. This can be applied for even when your child is still in Reception, Years 1 & 2. This entitles you to a free school meal voucher during the holidays and also continued free school meals until the end of Year 6. If you think you may qualify for these, please contact Mrs Brown in the school office for a form or visit or contact the team on 01905 845280. They will require your date of birth and national insurance number to check whether you are eligible.