Message from Mrs Brocklesby

First Holy Communion

We're thrilled to share the news that some of our wonderful Year 3 children celebrated their First Holy Communion last Sunday at St Wulstan's Church. It was a truly special ceremony filled with love, faith and joy! The children looked absolutely angelic in their beautiful attire as they received this important sacrament surrounded by their families and friends. It was wonderful to  come together back at school to congratulate our Year 3 stars on this significant milestone in their faith journey. We're incredibly proud of each and every one of them! Thank you once again to Father Richard and all our wonderful staff and families who supported and prepared our children.

Weekly Round Up From Mrs Warnett

The children in Reception have been enjoying their new topic 'Seaside and Pirates'. They were very excited to have their role play area turned into an ice cream parlour on Monday. The children have been busy all week taking orders, making ice creams and counting the money in their till; as well as serving staff several ice creams a day! The children have also been enjoying the story 'The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch' this week. The children really impressed staff with their wonderful writing about the main character in the story. As part of their learning, the children have been finding out about lighthouses and how they have changed over the years and have also had the opportunity to make their own lighthouses in their craft area. 

Key Stage 1

This week Key Stage 1 have been building on their knowledge of colour by creating secondary colours in Art. In English, the children wrote a narrative to a feature film and have been working really hard to include all of the criteria on their Clever Writer checklists. In maths, Year 1 have been learning about money and Year 2 have been focussing on temperature. In Geography the children have looked at the countries and capital cities of the UK. What a busy week

Year 3

The excitement this week started on Sunday for many of the children in Year 3. We are so proud of all of the children and were thrilled to celebrate their special day with them and their families. Year 3 would like to thank their families for the enormous amount of support in preparing the children and providing so generously for the breakfast celebration afterwards. We really appreciate your help in ensuring the children enjoyed their special day. Thank you as always to our wonderful choir children who supported their friends superbly with their beautiful singing. Thank you also to all of the staff for giving up their Sunday to support the children. A special thank you to Mrs Freitas and Mrs Tasker for preparing the children and Mrs Mallinson for preparing and leading the hymns so beautifully. Year 3 also enjoyed a wonderful trip to Worcestershire Wildlife Trust’s farm this wee to learn about plants as part of their science work. During a day packed with a range of fantastic science investigations, the class learnt a phenomenal amount! The children impressed the staff at the centre with their prior knowledge of plant life cycles, parts of a plant and pollination and were able to be challenged to develop their knowledge even further. The children asked wonderful questions and worked so hard and with great enthusiasm all day. Well done, Year 3! We are very proud of you. 

Year 4

In science this week, the children have planned and carried out a scientific enquiry looking at the impact different liquids have on teeth. They have particularly enjoyed observing changes in structure and colour, but also how texture as changed over time. In geography, the children have been developing their knowledge and understanding of countries and their capital cities by looking at key facts and important features associated with each place. Yesterday, the children looked at the term 'stamina' in PE and completed a series of activities tested their stamina levels. The children were really good at supporting each other, celebrating successes and showing determination during the challenging periods. This unit supports a greater understanding of a healthy lifestyle and positive impact exercise can have on fitness and the body. 

Year 5

This week Year 5 have been finding out about some of the capital cities of North America, thinking about size, population, landmarks, culture and currency. They then thought about how capital cities might and could change over time. In maths the children have started to find out about what happens if they go below zero and have entered the world of negative numbers! In PE this week, the children joined forces with Year 3 to develop their sprinting and hurdling skills in preparation for sports day! In their art lessons, the children have started to explore the meaning of art installations and were evaluating and analysing famous works of art, considering their meaning and impact.

Year 6
This week Year 6 have been learning about why the British people wanted significant changes in the way Britain was governed at the end of the Second World War.  The children identified some of the major issues which affected post-war rebuilding and they suggested reasons why labour's post war election policies were so popular. In Science, the children explored the concept of variation and were given opportunities to look at variation between individuals of the same species and individuals of different species. They also had the opportunity to learn that human offspring inherit characteristics from their parents, such as hair colour, eye colour and skin colour. 

Father's Day Tea and a Doughnut
Thank you to all the fathers and grandfathers who joined us this afternoon to celebrate Father's Day with tea and doughnuts. It was wonderful to see you all and we had a great atmosphere in the school hall. Thank you very much for your support and thank you to the Mini Vinnies for organising the event. Happy Father's day to everyone!
Dear Heavenly Father,
You entrusted your son Jesus, the son of Mary
to the care of Joseph, an earthly Father.
Bless all the fathers as they care for their families.
Give them strength, wisdom and patience.
Support them in the work they have to do,
protecting those who look to them.
Thank you for our wonderful fathers.
Amen. - written by the Year 6 Mini Vinnies
Sports Day: Thank you to all of our parents who contributed to the Sports Day survey. We can confirm that Sports Day will be on Tuesday 16 July between 9:00am and 12:30pm. More details to follow!
Community of St Wulstan's
Summer Fayre: This will take place after school on Tuesday 16 July after school between 3:45pm and 6:00pm. More details will be sent home next week but if you would like to get involved, please let Mrs Brown in the office know that you would like to be added to the Community of St Wulstan’s WhatsApp group.

School Garden Makeover: Calling all parents/grandparents!  The school garden is very overgrown and needs to be cleared before the children can enjoy this area once again.  For the next fortnight, every afternoon, we are asking for volunteers to come and help clear the area.  If you could spare a little time this would be very much appreciated.  Please contact Mrs Brown if you would like to volunteer.

Date of Event Event
Friday 21 June 2024 Reception Class Mass @ 9:15am
Tuesday 25 June 2024 Cake Sale - donations from Rec and Y1/2 please!
Wednesday 26 June 2024 HENRY: Understand My Child's Behaviour Parent Workshop - please enquire at the school office
Friday 28 June 2024 Whole School Mass @ 9:15am
Tuesday 2 July 2024 Year 6 Confirmation 7:00pm at church
Wednesday 3 July 2024 Move Up Morning
Wednesday 3 July 2024 HENRY: Sleep and Children - please enquire at the school office
Friday 5 July 2024 Non Uniform Day for children - more details to follow
Friday 5 July 2024 Year 5 Class Mass @ 9:15am
Monday 8 July 2024 KS2 bell-Boating Regatta
Friday 12 July 2024 Year 3 Class Mass @ 9:15am
Tuesday 16 July 2024 Sports Day CONFIRMED
Tuesday 16 July 2024 Summer Fayre @ 3:45pm - 6:00pm
Friday 19 July 2024 Leavers' Mass
Friday 19 July 2024 End of Term
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