Message from Mrs Brocklesby

I hope that you have had a blessed Christmas with your families and I wish you all a very Happy and prosperous New Year.

Thank you all so much for our kind Christmas cards and gifts – we really do appreciate it.

We are looking forward to the busy term ahead!

New Year's Prayer

In this new year, thank you for your constant
presence. No matter how hard the previous year,
no matter the challenges and anxieties facing us
this new year, you are here. Help us remember
Lord, that the promises and setbacks ahead are
no match for your love for us and you will be
with us to guide us at every step.



This term our aim is to bring together staff, parents and friends socially to fundraise for our school. Our primary aim will be to support the school to enhance the educational experience of our children. We need your links to gain more support from the local community, especially small and large businesses, as well as parents who have their own businesses.

Please email if your business can support us or if you know a way we can source support from local businesses.

Being part of our PTA will be great fun, and rewarding seeing the smiles on the children’s faces when they are enjoying themselves at events.
There are always small tasks that can be done from home once the children are in school or in bed, e.g. poster designs, social media enhancement, preparing raffle tickets, and plenty more. All help small or big makes a huge difference to the bigger picture. It would be wonderful to get parents involved even if it is only helping out at events on the day for whatever time you can spare.

Next week you will receive an invite to the first get together.

Weekly Round Up From Mrs Warnett

The children in Reception Class have had a wonderful first week back in school. They have enjoyed sharing all of their news from the holidays and have settled back into school life well. In PE this week the class have been negotiating space, handling objects and beginning to think about static and dynamic balance.

KS1 have had a great start to the new term. They have enjoyed writing about the Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch in English and are enjoying their PE topic of Dance.  In History, they have begun their topic The Great Fire of London and are looking forward to learning all about this. In Art and Design, they have been exploring how clay can be moulded. 

Year 3 have had a brilliant start to the new year. They have all hit the ground running and have started their new topics remarkably well. In Science the children have started their topic on rocks. They have been using magnifying glasses to look at rocks. They then created scientific drawings and annotations based on what they could see. In Geography the children have been looking at what types of features make an area a good place to settle. They have imagined that they are early Viking settlers and had to come up with a list of things that their new settlement would need such as a river for water and fertile soil for growing crops. In Art and Design this week, Year 3 have been looking at Ancient Egyptian art and had a go at creating their own. They used tea bags to make their artwork look like it was thousands of years old! Well done Year 3.

Year 4 have had an excellent start to the year, showing great confidence and knowledge in lessons this week. The children celebrated Mass this morning and were asked to think about heaven and storing treasures in heaven rather than on earth. The children impressed us with their confidence when reading and showed great reverence throughout. In Art, the children explored different ways of printing and were asked to work in groups to create a composition. The children successfully selected colours, themes and materials to deliver their pieces of work and then worked together to evaluate their work. The children have really impressed Mr Tasker with their enthusiasm and questions in Science lessons this week. The children explored vibrations using musical instruments and started to look at the journey of sounds from sources to the ear. The children were able to speak scientifically and use scientific vocabulary more confidently this week. Well done!

It's been a busy start to 2024 for Year 5! The children started the week with an invitation to become a Chief Tea Taster! In order to apply for the job, they had to test 5 teas , describing the appearance, aroma and taste. The children then had to write to the tea production company and make suggestions about the teas to help with the marketing. Year 5 were incredible at this and were able to select and use vocabulary wonderfully. They would make very good tea tasters! In PE, the children have started a new dance unit, Dance Through The Ages, with the first section inspired by the Charleston. 

What a start to the new year! The Year 6 children have been identifying the value of each digit in decimal numbers and multiplying and dividing numbers by 10, 100 and 1,000 giving answers up to 3 decimal places. In R.E. the children have identified the features of the story of Christmas and the Gospels they are recorded in. They have also discussed some of the images of Jesus found in the Gospel of St. John. In PSHE, the children discussed their strengths and set themselves challenging but realistic goals (one in-school goal and one out of school goal). Well done Year 6! A great way to start the new year!

Nasal Flu Vaccination 

We have been notified by Vaccination Uk that they are able to offer community clinics until the end of January 2024.  If your child didn't receive the nasal flu vaccination last term and you would like them to receive it, please ring the team on 01527 390030 to book an appointment.


Class Percentage Attendance w/c 8/1/24
Reception Class 85.00
Key Stage 1 95.44
Year 3 90.67
Year 4 98.10
Year 5 96.55
Year 6 85.89

Dates for your Diary

Date of Event Event
Friday 19 January 2024 St Wulstan's Feast Day
Monday 5 February 2024 Pyramid Concert
Tuesday 6 February 2024 Parents Evening 4:00 - 7:00pm
Thursday 8 February 2024 Parents Evening 4:30 - 5:30pm and 6:00 - 7:00pm virtual
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