16 June 2023

Dear Parents and Carers

We have had a wonderful day at Warwick Castle on our whole school trip. The children were beautifully behaved and clearly had a lovely day. We are sure they will sleep well tonight. Thank you to mums, dads and grandparents who accompanied us. You were such a great help and we cannot do these trips without such support- we are sure you will sleep well tonight as well! We will put photographs on next week's newsletter as very many were taken. Thank you all again.

I would like to start this week's newsletter by congratulating our Year 3 children who received their First Holy Communion last Sunday. The Mass was beautiful and the children behaved with great reverence and dignity and were once again a credit to you their parents and to their school. I would also like to thank all the children who came to church to sing in the choir to support their Year 3 friends.  Thanks go to the parents for their kind donations of food for the 'breakfast', Fr Richard , Mrs Warnett, Miss Workman and Mrs Freitas who have guided the children through their preparation and to the staff also gave their day to ensure a memorable occasion for the children and their families. Thank you all.


A massive thank you to all our Dads and Grandpas who attended our 'Fathers Day Afternoon Tea' on Tuesday.  Our Mini Vinnies hosted, took orders and served scones and jam, cookies and pastries and hot drinks to the Dads and carers in our school community. There was a lovely atmosphere in the hall and everyone was happy to be back together again in school. Thank you to all our families for their kind donations. Our Mini Vinnies have helped raise money for the many good causes this year and will let us know shortly which charity they will send the funds to this time. Thank you too to Mrs Freitas who organised everything and to the staff for their support to the children!

It is always lovely to hear of our children's hobbies and successes outside of school. Last weekend after a year as Carnival Prince Colby handed over this role to the newly appointed Prince for the coming year. We were delighted to see it was to one of our younger children, Louis. Congratulations to both of you! There was further excitement though as Colby's older sister Annabel was crowned as carnival princess for the coming year! Jasmine also handed over her Princess crown after a very successful year. Many congratulations to you all, it is lovely to see you supporting such a traditional, family event in our town. We are all very proud of you.

At 6.00pm this Monday evening, 19 June, we are holding our annual New Intake Evening for parents of children starting at St Wulstan’s in September. Even if you already have a child in school it is important that you attend this meeting as this will be an opportunity to give you information and for you to ask any questions you may have. We look forward to seeing you then. We do have spaces available in Reception for September. If you know anyone who is new to the area or unsure about the place they have been offered please ask them to contact me for a visit. Thank you.

A sincere thank you to everyone who donated a filled jam jar and chocolate bar for the School Fair on Friday 30 June. The children love both these stalls and your generosity is greatly appreciated.

Our Summer Fayre will be held on Friday 30 June 3.45 pm-5.45 pm in the school grounds. There will be hot dogs , tea and cakes and a bar so no need to cook tea that evening! Stalls will include tombola, bottle stall, hook a duck, football shootout and lots more for a lovely family evening. If you feel you could help in any way we would be very grateful for all support. Please speak to Mrs Roden, Mrs Collins or contact Mrs Warnett or myself. 

We will also have a toy and book stall. If you have any pre loved books or toys that are in good condition we would be thrilled to receive them. Please send any donations in the week commencing 26 June . Many thanks.

Year 3 have had a lovely week. The children who received their First Holy Communion last Sunday, shared their experience with the rest of the class and then celebrated with their friends with party food outside on the bank in the afternoon. This week we have also been lucky enough to welcome Mrs Leavesley into our classroom to talk about vocations. The children were on their best behaviour and had lots of questions to ask. Another highlight this week was receiving first aid training with Flat Stan. The children listened very attentively and enjoyed the practical element of the session. Well done Year 3!

This week Reception Class and Year 1 have listened to the story ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’. They were then given the challenge to work together to build a new bridge for the Billy Goats to cross the river. They had to plan how they would make their bridges, what resources they would use and how they would assemble them. Then came the exciting task of building the bridges, testing them and improving them. It was a very busy and productive afternoon!

Year 2 enjoyed a football session in the sun this week!  The session was delivered by Kidderminster Harriers Football in the community scheme and the children worked hard on developing their skills and then transferring these into game play.

This week, Year 6 have been learning all about First Aid. The workshop provided the children with some valuable skills.  The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves in the session and the range of practical activities and demonstrations, including the certificates, goodies and booklets for the children went down a treat. Well done Year 6!

This half term, Year 4 have been developing their computing skills further by creating animations, using maps and reading information pages. It has been lovely to see the children's confidence grow, with some now sharing their knowledge and understanding of programs, features and common error messages with their peers. 

Finally, it would seem warmer weather is here for a while. A reminder for every child to bring a school water bottle in for rehydration throughout the day in class, bottles can be purchased from the school office (£2.00). Please only use school water bottles to avoid leakage onto the children’s work. As you are aware, we are unable to apply suncream so please ensure children have it applied before leaving home .

We wish everyone a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday morning,

KE Savage


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