Message from Mrs Brocklesby

This week I would like to say well done to our Year Six children this week for demonstrating a great attitude towards the SATS (Standardised Assessment Tests). They all came into school with smiles on their faces and showed great resilience throughout. As a school we were very proud of them. Well done Year Six.

Last night we had a school disco and it was wonderful to see and hear everyone having fun. Today I have received numerous comments from parents about the sensible behaviour observed, kindness to each other and the community spirit that shone for all to see. Thank you to parents and staff for supporting the event, we raised a fantastic £365.33.

Walk to School Week

Next week is @LivingStreets’ #WalktoSchoolWeek! As a school, we are encouraging families to walk, cycle, scoot or 'Park and Stride' to school for the whole week. The aim of the week is for children to understand how small changes can make a real difference to individuals, communities and the planet. Not only will children contribute to cleaner air, safer streets and a healthier way of travelling to school, they will also earn stickers and prizes for their contributions. Bikes and scooters can be stored safely through the school day and collected by the children at the end of each day. It will be lovely to see as many of our families supporting and promoting this nationwide event. 

Weekly Round Up From Mrs Warnett

This week Reception Class were very excited to come to school to see that 3 of their butterflies had come out of their chrysalides. As the children were watching them carefully, a 4th butterfly emerged which was wonderful for everybody to see. Eventually all 5 butterflies emerged and the class grew very fond of them having observed them closely since they were tiny caterpillars. Everybody was feeling a bit sad but also very excited to release the butterflies and they were even lucky enough to be able to hold one of them! It has been fantastic for the children to learn about the life cycle of a butterfly with such a memorable experience!
Key Stage 1
It has been another busy week in KS1. In Geography the children have been continuing their learning on weather and discovering how it varies depending on where you are in relation to the equator.  Year 2 have been looking at pictograms in maths and Year 1 have been looking at position and direction. In English, the children have created character descriptions of the Gruffalo.. It was a wet cricket session this week but that didn't dampen their spirits! In RE the children have been learning about Pentecost. In Design Technology the children created their chairs for Baby Bear and in History they have been learning all about Morse Code!
Year 3
Year 3 enjoyed a lovely walk to Stourport Library this week. Many children brought their library cards and anyone who was not already signed up to the library had a new library card ready and waiting for them when they arrived. Rebecca at the library spoke with the children about how to use a library to find different types of books and the different ways in which we can use the library. Rebecca then read an extract of the Year 3 class text, 'The Iron Man'. The library staff were so impressed by how well the children knew the story and could join in with the reading-well done Year 3! The children then enjoyed some free time to choose their own books using their own library cards. 
Enjoy visiting the library with your families, Year 3! We hope that the class will pay another visit to the library soon as well.
Year 4
This week, Year 4 have really been enjoying reading their class text 'Charlotte's Web'. The children are confidently sharing their knowledge of the characters, have been reading with an increasing amount of intonation and been using their own life experiences to understand different events in the story. In D&T, the children disassembled torches to look at the components and how they work. They then had to analyse and evaluate different torches using increasingly more accurate vocabulary. The children have been able to talk about deforestation confidently in science and are developing their understanding of 'sustainability' and why this is so important. In our music lesson this week, the children really enjoyed using percussion instruments to play syncopated rhythms as part of a group. Finally in history, the children have been using sources to understand the impact that the Industrial Revolution had on the Stourport-on-Severn basin. The children were able to offer suggestions and reasons to support their views and they were also interested to see the differences in the basin from then to today. They are looking forward to seeing the historical buildings in closer detail later in the term. 
Year 5

It’s been another fantastic week in Year 5 and the children have been working very hard. In music, they have been perfecting the 12 Bar Blues and have been putting together performances in groups, having to play in time with a backing track. It was very impressive! In DT, the children have started a new topic which will result in them designing and making a stuffed toy and in Science, Year 5 have been building on their knowledge of life cycles by finding out about amphibians and then comparing their life cycles to mammals. In Computing, Year 5 completed their game unit. They made the finishing touches to their games before sharing them with their peers. The children showed great skills in this lesson well done! Miss Morgan and Miss McGowan were very proud. The children also paired up with Year 4 for cricket this week where they put their skills into a game.

Year 6
This week, Year 6 have been very busy. Congratulations to the children for completing their KS2 SATs. They have all been absolutely amazing and St. Wulstan's teachers are proud of them. All of the children arrived to school on time with enthusiasm and maturity. Although it's been a challenging week - and a challenging set of papers, the children have responded with resilience and character. On Friday, the children had a celebratory lunch to mark the end of their SATs week and to acknowledge their hard work. Year 6, enjoy the weekend! 
Year 6 Thanksgiving Prayer
Dear God,
Thank you for helping all the Year 6 children during the time of SATs. Help us with the upcoming challenges that await us as we prepare to transition to high school.  May the auditions for the KS2 production go well and may we all be given roles we enjoy. May the last few weeks of our primary school be delightful. May we have a wonderful summer. May we settle well in to our new lives in high school. 
In Jesus' name,
Community of St Wulstan's
Thank you to all of our families who have supported school events recently. Our last cake sale raised an amazing £115.40. Thank you very much for the kind donations of cakes from our Year 3 and 4 families! The next cake sale will be on Tuesday 25 June and we would be grateful for donations from Reception and Key Stage 1. 
The school disco was a success this week - together we have raised an amazing £365! We are very grateful to all of our parents who came along to support, purchased snacks and drinks for the children and provided decorations and disco lights. It was thoroughly enjoyed by all! Well done to the children for displaying such wonderful manners
Summer Fayre: we would love to hold a Summer Fayre towards the end of the summer term and would be grateful for as many volunteers as possible. If you would like to get involved, please email the school office and ask to be added to the Community of St Wulstan's Whatsapp group. The email address is
Mini Vinnies - Fundraising
The Mini Vinnies have been very proactive and have requested to sell bracelets to fundraise. The girls have made these bracelets to sell and are hoping to donate all proceeds to a charity of their choice. Each bracelet will be sold at 50p from Monday 20 May 2024.

Summer Uniform   

Now the sunny weather is hopefully around the corner, children can now wear shorts or the red checked dress if they so wish.  Listed below is the full summer uniform list.


. Grey tailored trousers or shorts, grey skirt or pinafore (Lycra or jersey fabric trousers are not permitted)

Red polo shirt or white school shirt and tie (no white polo shirts or blouses.  Shirts may be long or short sleeved)

Grey socks


. Red check dress with white socks


. Grey or red V neck jumper, cardigans or sweatshirt - branded with school logo or without logo

. Black school shoes (boots, trainers or open toe sandals are not permitted)

Wulstan's Lodge Holiday Club - May Half Term

Class Events Week Commencing 20 May 2024
Reception Class We will be performing our animal dance to an audience!
Key Stage 1 Exploring colour mixing and creating our own plate designs.
Year 3 Our Year 3 Class Mass!
Year 4 PE - Applying our skills learnt in tennis and cricket in game-based situations.
Year 5 Bikeability, finishing our art work inspired by Teis Albers
Year 6 Creating a recipe for Design and Technology
Date of Event Event
Wednesday 22 May 2024 HENRY: Fussy Eating Parent Workshop CONFIRMED - please enquire at the school office
Friday 24 May 2024 Half Term
Monday 3 June 2024 Children return to school
Tuesday 3 June - Friday 7 June 2024 Key Stage 1 Assessments
Sunday 9 June 2024 Year 3 First Holy Communion 11:30am at church
W/C Monday 10 June 2024 Year 1 Phonics Screening Check
Tuesday 25 June 2024 Cake Sale - donations from Rec and Y1/2 please!
Wednesday 26 June 2024 HENRY: Understand My Child's Behaviour Parent Workshop - please enquire at the school office
Tuesday 2 July 2024 Year 6 Confirmation 7:00pm at church
Wednesday 3 July 2024 Move Up Morning
Wednesday 3 July 2024 HENRY: Sleep and Children - please enquire at the school office
Monday 8 July 2024 KS2 Bell-Boating Regatta
Tuesday 16 July 2024 Sports Day - To be confirmed
Friday 19 July 2024 Leavers Mass
Friday 19 July 2024 End of Term
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