If you would like to volunteer in school to listen to children read, help in classrooms and support learning, please email ebrocklesby@emmausmac.com
Please indicate the Key Stage you wish to support and the days, dates or times you are available. You will then be invited in to school for an induction meeting to discuss the role and complete safeguarding checks.
Thank you for your support.
Weekly Round Up From Mrs Warnett
Reception: This week the children in Reception have been developing their art and design skills by using clay to create minibeasts. The children had to first design their minibeast, thinking carefully about the features of their chosen insect. They then used clay to create their own minibeast. The children found this challenging but showed amazing perseverance. The children also really impressed the staff with how kind and helpful they were to their friends when they needed additional support; so many children offered advice and used encouraging words to support their friends who were struggling. Well done Reception! For the launch of The Year of Prayer, Reception Class have been discussing the importance of prayer. The children have listened to the Sermon on the Mount and heard how Jesus taught the people to pray. They have also decorated their own copy of the Our Father.
Key Stage 1: What a busy week KS1 have had! In computing they have been learning all about algorithms and how to undo entries. In History they have been learning about the ancient Egyptians and their early writing systems. The children all had a good go at writing their own name in hieroglyphics. In Design Technology they were testing structures in preparation of making a chair for baby bear. For the launch of the Year of Prayer, Year 1 have been learning some actions to the Our Father. They have also thought about words that they feel connect them to God, have written them on fish and decorated them beautifully. Year 2 considered how the prayer encourages us to live our lives and created some beautiful art work which is on display in the classroom.
Year 3
Year 3 have had a super week in PE! They have developed their throwing and catching skills with a tennis ball, experimenting with different sizes and weights. They have worked on their 'ready position' and looked like tennis pros! In swimming, Mrs Mallinson awarded the whole class a house point each for great behaviour, concentration and focus. Well done, Year 3!
For the launch of the 'Year of Prayer', the class created a prayer spinner. They have taken great care to present it beautifully!
Year 4
Year 4 have had another busy week in school and have been developing their data collection skills in science. Firstly, the children explored the school grounds looking for flowering and non-flowering plants and vertebrates and invertebrates, then they recorded and analysed their data comparing it to previous collections. In music, the children began their new unit looking at Samba and carnival sounds and instruments. The children enjoyed listening to different sounds associated with Samba and tried matching them to the instruments that make the sound. In geography, the children have been developing their locational knowledge by labelling the seven continents of the world, then looking more closely at countries, seas and oceans that we find in Europe. The children have enjoyed using art in their RE this week to develop their understanding of Easter and Prayer. The children each created a piece of triptych art to show how people felt before and after the Resurrection and used 'Tree Art' to share their understanding of the Our Father prayer. Well done Year 4!
Year 5
It has been another busy and exciting week in Year 5 with the children developing their skills as scientists and learning about irreversible changes that take place with acids. The children observed what happened to a balloon when Bicarbonate of Soda was mixed with vinegar. The children have also been furthering their knowledge of coding by programming a Micro Bit as a temperature sensor for an enclosure for a pet. The code was very complicated, but Year 5 were very successful in setting temperature parameters and when the temperature exceeded or dipped below this, a sad face would be shown on the Micro Bit along with an alarm, therefore alerting the pet owner to check on their pet! How very clever Year 5! The children ended this week by analysing the meaning of the Our Father prayer and considering how they could write their own, more modern versions. The children composed very thoughtful prayers, an excellent job, well done Year 5!
Year 6
Its has been another exciting week for Year 6. In Science, the children started the week of by dissecting a lamb's heart. After dissecting the hearts, the children had to find the four chambers of the heart, identifying the blood vessels at the top to represent its position inside the body. They also learnt that he left ventricle is thicker than the right ventricle because moving blood around the whole body requires more force than moving blood to the lungs. To end the week, the children celebrated the 'Year of prayer' by creating some wonderful art. Have a look at some of their creative work. Mrs Freitas is looking forward to displaying their artwork! Thank you for working hard this week, Year 6!
Next week will be our second cake sale in school - Tuesday 23 April. Cakes will be sold at 50p per cake. We would be grateful to families with children in Years 3 and 4 for any cake donations that could be made for the sale.
This year Pope Francis has designated 2024 as the Year of Prayer, in preparation for the Jubilee year in 2025. The focus is a year for prayer, rather than about prayer, where we will deepen our understanding of our own prayer life and spend time with God. Throughout the year, the children will be participating in a range of prayer opportunities to encourage them to reflect on what we pray, how we pray and why we pray.
To mark such a wonderful event, the children will be taking part throughout the year in various activities to help understand and enjoy prayer. As a school we will be focusing on the ‘Our Father’ prayer.
Our Father,
Who art in Heaven,
hallowed be Thy name;
Thy Kingdom come,
Thy will be done
on earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
Next Tuesday 23 April, we will be raising money for Father Hudson's, a very worthy charity that helps to support people a range of people and needs across the diocese. Father Hudson's have asked us to support their 'Pledge £1' appeal and are asking pupils in all of the schools in the diocese to donate £1 - this would help them to raise over £88,000 to help people in need. In return for donating £1, the children will be able to come dressed in their own clothes in the colours that represent their chosen Saint who is associated with the United Kingdom and Ireland - St George (as it his is feast day!), St Patrick, St David or St Andrew. The children will have a letter with them today with the colours for each saint.
Class | Events Week Commencing 22 April 2024 |
Reception Class | |
Key Stage 1 | Art - The children will be learning how to makes shade of secondary colours. PE - Our next cricket session. |
Year 3 | The children found out on Friday that they will receive a 'special treat' activity on Monday as a reward for working extra hard on Friday. Well done to the whole class! |
Year 4 | Art - The children will research designers and designs of patterns that have inspired by the rainforest. |
Year 5 | |
Year 6 | Art - The children will be creating their own music album cover using modern digital photography. |
Home Start
Date of Event | Event |
Tuesday 23 April 2024 | Cake Sale - Years 3 and 4 to donate cakes |
Tuesday 23 April 2024 | Patriotic Saints Day - Fundraiser for Father Hudson's Care (FHC): Children can wear a patriotic colour of their choice in exchange for a donation of £1. St. George - red or white, St David - red, white or green, St Patrick- green or St Andrew - blue or white |
Wednesday 24 April 2024 | Year 3 First Holy Communion Meeting 6:00pm in Yr 3 classroom |
Tuesday 30 April 2024 | Year 6 Confirmation Meeting 3:45pm in Yr 6 classroom |
Monday 6 May 2024 | May Bank Holiday - School Closed |
Monday 13 - Thursday 16 May 2024 | Year 6 SATs Week |
Wednesday 22 May 2024 | HENRY: Fussy Eating Parent Workshop TBC |
Thursday 16 May 2024 | School Disco 5:30 - 7:00pm |
Friday 24 May 2024 | Half Term |
Sunday 9 June 2024 | Year 3 First Holy Communion 11:00am at church |
Wednesday 26 June 2024 | HENRY: Understand My Child's Behaviour Parent Workshop TBC |
Tuesday 2 July 2024 | Year 6 Confirmation 7:00pm at church |
Wednesday 3 July 2024 | HENRY: Eat Well For Less Parent Workshop TBC |
Monday 8 July 2024 | KS2 Bell-Boating Regatta |
Friday 19 July 2024 | End of Term |