Message from Mrs Brocklesby

I know I say it every year, but truly, where has this year gone?! As I reflect on the last academic year I am nothing but proud of all that the children and staff have achieved. The pupils of Saint Wulstan's truly do live out our vision of ”learning and growing with Jesus to love, inspire and serve others," - and this has been seen in abundance throughout the year, both academically but also socially.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank every member of our staff team, who enables so many opportunities for the pupils of our school. There is so
much they do that is never seen, but I recognise it and I am very grateful indeed for all you do.
Thanks also goes to parents and carers, who always support us in their child’s education. Thank you for making my job so much easier with your steadfast
support in all we do. I wish you all nothing but a blessed and joyful summer holiday and wish pupils leaving us nothing but happiness in their new setting. We shall miss each and every one of you!

The whole school community would like to extend our warmest thanks to Miss Morgan, Miss Farringdon, Mrs Hughes and Mrs Mound, who have worked so hard for everyone at Saint Wulstan's. They have all been utterly amazing and we shall miss them so much.
However, we wish them all every success as they start new chapters.

We know you will all be fantastic!

Weekly Round Up From Mrs Warnett

Reception 18.7.24
Reception Class have had a wonderful last week in school. They were so excited to take part in their very first sports day after practising lots of the events over the last few weeks. The children tried very hard to show off their new skills and really enjoyed cheering on their friends and the older children from their houses. Another highlight of the week was the talent show. The class loved watching all of the performances and some of them even had a go themselves. It has been a pleasure to see the children in Reception Class settle into school so well, to develop some wonderful friendships and to see their lovely personalities blossom. The children should be very proud of everything they have achieved this year!
Key Stage 1 

KS1 have ended the school year on a high! The children enjoyed sports day in the sunshine. They worked as a team to collect points for their houses. The children also enjoyed the talent show, with many of KS1 pupils taking part. They have concluded their learning on the Olympics and said a heartfelt goodbye to their friends in year 6. Well done on an amazing year KS1!

Year 3
Year 3 have enjoyed working with Reception this week, leading them in mini assemblies. It was lovely to see how excited the children were to work together, especially any siblings! The children have been working hard to finish their DT projects before the end of term and were thrilled to be able to take them home to show their families.
The class have loved being part of KS2 Sports Day this year and put their skills from their athletics lessons into practice-well done! The children joined in with great zest and enthusiasm and had a wonderful time. The class showed equal enthusiasm for the Talent Show, with many participating and everyone else enjoying watching their friends perform. Many plans have already been made for acts next year!Well done on a lovely last week, Year 3. Have a great summer!
Year 4
What a wonderful week to end Year 4! The children have enjoyed celebrating achievements in class, the talent show and sports day this week. The children really enjoyed using the batik technique in our art lessons this week to create patterned textiles. They looked at William Morris for inspiration and created some lovely patterns and designs. Some of the class performed at the Talent Show on Tuesday and we were so impressed by their singing and dancing on the big stage. They really enjoyed sharing their talents and looked to inspire their peers in school. The class also sparkled during sports day yesterday. Through the track events, javelin, archery and long jump, the children supported each other, celebrated individual successes and showed great enthusiasm throughout. Mr Tasker has been impressed by every child's efforts this year. Have a lovely summer break and we look forward to seeing you in September. 
Year 5

It has been such a wonderful week to end Year 5! The children were fantastic during sports day and all participated and supported each other brilliantly. The children also completed their DT projects this week, by sewing and decorating a stuffed toy. The children found this rather tricky, but the resilience and perseverance they demonstrated was commendable. At this time of year, it is always lovely to reflect on the changes our children have gone through and think about how far they have come and all they have achieved. Miss McGowan has said how proud she is of Year 5, well done and have a restful summer break!

Year 6

Today is the final day for our fantastic Year 6 cohort. It has been nearly seven years since most of the children walked or skipped their way into Reception for their first day at school. It has been wonderful seeing them all grow in so many ways during their time at St. Wulstan’s. They are a lovely group of children with a lot of potential. Mrs Freitas, Mrs Mound and Miss Farrington are very proud of how much you have accomplished this year. May they shine in whatever the future may bring! Also, may they know that the doors of St. Wulstan’s Catholic Primary School are always open for them, now more than ever. Do come back and say ‘Hi’ and let us know how you are getting on. Goodbye and good luck, Year 6.



Free School Meals Entitlement

All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to universal free school meals.  You may qualify for the other type of free school meals, which is based on your income (you can still apply even if your child is still in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2.  It is worth checking if you qualify for the income based free school meals because you will be entitled to other benefits eg holiday free school meal vouchers.  Visit the following website to check whether you are eligible: . If you have any questions, please contact the school office for assistance.

Holiday Club Booking Information

Date of Event Event
Tuesday 16 July 2024 Talent Show (PM)
Tuesday 16 July 2024 Sports Day 9:00am - 12:00pm
Tuesday 16 July 2024 Summer Fayre @ 3:45pm - 6:00pm
Wednesday 17 July 2024 Reception/Year 1 Drop In - 3:00pm - 4:30pm
Friday 19 July 2024 Leavers' Mass - 9:15am @ school
Friday 19 July 2024 End of Term
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