Message From Mrs Brocklesby

Open Day

Next week on Thursday 19th October 9.30 am -11.30 am it is our Open Day. We are so proud of our school and are looking forward to our chance to shine. Please invite any families along who have a son or daughter who is due to start school in September 2024. At our Open Day families will have the opportunity to see Saint Wulstan's in action and our children taking part in a variety of lessons. Everyone at Saint Wulstan's are fantastic Ambassadors for our community and I am sure anyone who visits will be impressed by all children's motivation, independence and thirst for learning.

Saint Wulstan's Mission Statement, 'We learn and grow with Jesus to love, inspire and serve others.'

Christmas Cards
This week, your son or daughter has brought home a free sample of the Christmas card they designed along with an order form.  In addition to packs of Christmas cards, you can also order mugs, packs of coasters and packs of gift tags.  These will all have your children's Christmas artwork on them.   Order forms, accompanied by the cash payment, need to returned to school by next Tuesday 17 October in order to meet the printing deadline.  (This item isn't available to pay for on Parentpay.) You can view your child's design by visiting  (click on the gallery tab, then enter the school's name followed by the unique number found on the back of your child's card).
These make lovely Christmas gifts whilst raising money for school.  If you would like a spare order form, this can be obtained from Mrs Brown in the school office.

Weekly Round Up From Mrs Warnett

Thank you to all of our families who have visited the book fair this year. Every single book purchased contributes towards rewards that we can spend with Scholastic to purchase class texts or more books for our wonderful library. If you haven't managed to visit the book fair this time, it will return in the Spring Term and we will advertise the dates closer to the time.

School events will continue to be added to the bottom of the newsletter and to the school calendar - please do check these regularly for the most up to date information.


October is Dwarfism Awareness Month and this year, in order to raise awareness and raise money for charity, we will be having a non-uniform day on Wednesday 25 October. Children will be invited to come to school in either their own clothes or wear green clothes/accessories (green is the official colour for this event) in return for donating £1. We will begin the week by having a whole school assembly on Monday 23 October and also come together on Wednesday 25 October in the hall for a further opportunity to learn and educate ourselves. For further information and resources, please visit the Little People UK website at

Parent Evening booking slots are open - the link for booking is below. If you have any difficulties in booking a meeting, please contact the school office.

Christmas Card order forms have been sent home this week - please return any order forms and payments to the school office. The children have worked so hard on creating beautiful designs!
Tempest Photography have visited school this week - please see the letter brought home by the children for information on how to order and pay.

This week in Reception the children have been focussing on their feelings and emotions as part of their ‘All about Me’ topic. As part of this, the children have been using the book ‘Colour Monster’ to explore some of the different emotions that we can experience. They have talked about being happy, sad, angry and scared and thought about the different reasons they might feel these emotions and how they can deal with them in different ways. The children have also been talking about how their actions can cause other people to experience these emotions. In the book the children see that the colour monster sometimes has his colour all mixed up and this had led on to them learning about colour mixing using primary colours. They explored what happened when different colours are mixed and then they created their own mixed up colour monster.

This week in History, KS1 have been looking at how homes have changed over time. In Science the children have found out about the importance of good hygiene and conducted an experiment to see how far and how quickly germs could be transferred. In Design Technology, they have been learning about wheels and axels and have been tasked with designing and building their own Ferris wheel. On Friday, Year 2 took part in a multi-skills festival and developed and showcased their sportsman and team building skills.

It has been yet another fantastic week in Year 3 again. All of the children have produced some fantastic work this week. In Geography they have learnt about the water cycle and what the processes of evaporation and condensation are. The children are really enjoying the new book they are studying in English - The Stone Age Boy. They have come up with some fabulous predictions of what might happen and have used lots of amazing adjectives to describe the setting. They have also started their new PE unit of tag rugby. The children really impressed Mr Whitcombe and Mrs Carver with their skills and are keen to learn more. Well done year 3 on another brilliant week.

Year 4 have continued their great work in swimming this week, showing confidence and effort while working on their front and back strokes. In maths, the children have been using their knowledge of place value to help them complete addition calculations using formal written methods. The children completed their paper plate animals for their Class Saint display, which celebrates Saint Francis of Assisi. There was also great excitement in class this afternoon, as the children explored frame structures in Design and Technology. They have started to think about the words 'strong', 'stable' and 'stiff' as they design and build models using simple materials, also thinking about the weakest points of a structure and how to strengthen them. The children look forward to sharing their designs with you in a few weeks time. 

This week Year 5 have been enjoying practising their Pyramid Concert songs (even during rainy breaktimes!) and have continued to work incredibly hard. They have also been studying the characters of Kensuke and Michael in their fantastic class text, Kensuke's Kingdom. The children discovered that even though the characters seem very different at first glance, once we begin to dig deeper they actually share many characteristics. Year 5 then ended the week with their class Mass. The focus of our Mass was, 'This is How You Should Pray'. It was a lovely Mass, the children read well and a number of visitors attended, which was wonderful. A super end to the week. 

This week Year 6 have had a taster morning at Hagley Catholic High School. They started the morning with Design and Technology where they had the opportunity to design their own keyring. Afterwards, it was a Science lesson.  The children took part in an ethanol combustion experiment which was very exciting! The last lesson was Art where the children learnt how mono-print with carbon paper. They made some beautiful postcards to take home. It was an enjoyable and exciting morning for all the children. Thank you to to all the teachers for planning such fun lessons and a special thank you to Mr Hodgson for providing us with this opportunity. 

Nasal Flu Vaccination: If your child was absent on Wednesday and missed the opportunity to receive the vaccination, you can book one at the clinics being held in Kidderminster on 28 October and Worcester on 11 November (both from 9am-1pm).  If you would like to book an appointment for your child, please ring the vaccination team on 01527 390030

Sporting Updates

On Monday, a selection of Year 5 and Year 6 children took part in the annual Wyre Forest School Sport Partnership Football League. The children showed great determination, effort and teamwork as they competed against opposition from other local schools. It was a great platform to develop the children's interest in football and skills for the coming year. Well done! 


This morning, our Year 2 children took part in a Multi-Skills Festival through the Wyre Forest School Sport Partnership at the Stourport Dome. The children rotated around several different stations developing their fundamental movement skills, while being supported by the Stourport High School young leaders. The children had a lovely time and it was great to see how enthusiastic and engaged they were in the activities. Great effort!

Date Event
Thursday 19 October Open Morning 9:30 - 11:30am
Friday 20 October Whole School Harvest Mass
Wednesday 25 October Dwarfism Awareness Day - non uniform day with green items of clothing encouraged!
Friday 27 October Year 4 Class Mass
Friday 27 October School closes for half term at 3:30pm
Monday 6 November School reopens - children return
Tuesday 14 November Parents Evening 1
Thursday 16 November Parents Evening 2
Friday 24 November Three Kings Parade - Stourport
Friday 8 December Whole School Mass - The Immaculate Conception
Wednesday 13 December Key Stage 2 Carol Service
Monday 18 December EYFS & KS1 Nativity @ 2:00pm
Monday 18 December EYFS & KS1 Nativity @ 5:45pm
Friday 22 December Whole School Mass
Friday 22 December School closes for Christmas at 3:30pm


Class Attendance % for w/c 9 to 13 October 2023
Reception 75.63
Key Stage 1 91.1
Year 3 94
Year 4 94.76
Year 5 92.07
Year 6 94.78

Have a great weekend

Mrs Brocklesby and Mrs Warnett

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