23 June 2023

Dear Parents and Carers

We hope everyone has had a good week. As we said briefly last week the children, staff and families had a wonderful day at Warwick Castle. The photographs we hope say it all!

Reception and Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Please remember our Year 6 children in your prayers as they receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Tuesday June 27  The children have worked extremely hard in their preparation, showing maturity and commitment to their faith. Mass will be celebrated by Bishop David Evans at 7.00pm and all are welcome to come and support our young people. We especially welcome any of our children who would like to sing in the choir at this Mass.

Next Monday, 3 July, we are delighted to welcome back Mrs Portman who returns from her maternity leave. Sadly though this means we will be saying goodbye to Miss Morgan who has taught Year 1 and Reception class this year. We would like to thank Miss Morgan for all her work and care of our younger children and wish her the very best in her future career. 

We will also be saying goodbye to Miss Workman at the end of term as she and her family are relocating to the South West. We again would like to thank Miss Workman for all her hard work and care for Year 3 and wish her and her family well in the new chapter of their lives.

We are presently going through the recruitment process and will update you as soon as possible with staffing for next year.

Summer Fayre

Thank you all for your generous donations of filled jam jars and chocolate for our Summer Fair which will be held on next Friday 30 June 3.45pm-6.00pm in the school grounds. There will be a hot dogs , cakes and a bar so no need to cook tea that evening! Stalls will include tombola, bottle stall, hook a duck, football shootout and lots more for a lovely family evening.

We will also have a book stall. If you have any pre loved books  that are in good condition we would be thrilled to receive them. Please send any donations in the week commencing 26 June . Many thanks.

As well as the traditional Cake stall we will be holding a 'St Wulstan's Bake Off' competition. If you or your child would like to bake and donate the cake to the stall there will a judged a winner and the cake sold off in slices. It would be lovely if children entered this as well. I remember there were some wonderful creations during Lockdown !

Our plea now is for the Bottle stall which has been a feature at every fair for nearly 40 years! It is always extremely popular and the price of five tickets for a £1 has not increased in as long as I can remember! We rely totally on donations of eg a bottle of wine, spirits or soft drinks. Numbers of bottles donated in each class is recorded each day and the reward for the class who collect the most bottles is an extra playtime and an ice lolly. There is always massive competition for this, driven also by some very competitive staff who in their endeavour for their class to win forget it means they have to do an extra playground duty as their reward!! The children love it though! Thank you again for your generosity.

If you feel you could help in any way we would be very grateful for all support. Please speak to Mrs Roden, Mrs Collins or contact Mrs Warnett or myself. 

Rehearsals are now well under way for our summer production of  'Matilda' and the children are very excited. Although Year 6 are playing the main roles the musical involves all the children in Year 3 , 4  and 5 who will be performing a song and dance within the production. The two performances will be on Tuesday 11 July and Wednesday 12 July. Tickets will be distributed nearer the time so please make a note of the dates. The calendar has been updated so please check on the school website. 

SVP Appeal

As the summer holidays beckon Worcestershire libraries are inviting all schools to encourage their pupils aged 4-11 to sign up for this year’s Summer Reading Challenge. This is an excellent way to extend your child's reading over the six weeks. Please see the flyer below outlining how to sign up

We hope everyone has an enjoyable weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday.

KE Savage


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