We’ve managed to pack a lot of good work and many activities in to this term and now everyone is ready to enjoy a holiday.
We finished today with a Stations of the Cross service in preparation for Holy Week. Fr Richard would love to see our families in church this holiday so do try to make one of the Masses over Easter. We wish you all a blessed week next week and the joy of the Risen Christ on Easter Sunday.
Today we have said goodbye to Mr Whitcombe.
We are very grateful for his commitment to Saint Wulstan's and wish him luck in his next role.
Weekly Round Up From Mrs Warnett
Reception Class have had a very busy last week of term. The children have started to learn some new sounds and they have all been trying very hard to use them in their reading and writing. It has also been an important week as Reception Class have started learning about the events of Holy Week. The children have enjoyed role playing some parts of the story including Palm Sunday and The Last Supper, and have been creating some beautiful crosses.
Key Stage one have had a great end to the Spring Term. They have worked incredibly hard in all lessons. Year 1 have enjoyed investigation capacity in Maths whilst Year 2 have been looking at Fractions. They have all now concluded their History topic on the Great Fire of London and are looking forwards to their next topic. In RE all children have been learning about the events of Holy Week and have been considering the thoughts and feelings of others.
Year 3
Year 3 have had an excellent week. They have worked really hard in all their subjects. During their art lesson this week, the children drew and then painted their Ancient Egyptian designs onto the papyrus paper that they created. They all looked wonderful. In geography the children have completed creating their very own settlement maps. They have had to think about where they were going to place certain facilities and what different types of infrastructure they will need. They used map symbols and created their very own map keys. In RE this week the children have been looking at the events of Holy Week. They recreated Palm Sunday and have been looking at the similarities between the Last Supper and Mass. The children were all very enthusiastic in their RE learning this week. In swimming this week, the children were treated to a fun session before the Easter holidays. The children thoroughly enjoyed it, and a fun time was had by all. Well done Year 3 on an excellent last week of term.
Year 4
Year 4 have finished the term strongly this week. The children have responded very well to increased expectations and have worked incredibly hard in their lessons. In geography, the children looked at how land is used to produce food in the United Kingdom and how trade links allows food to be sold all around the world. In history, the children were able to interpret artefacts and what it told us about the Indus Valley Civilisations. The children also looked how a uniformed way of measuring was so important to trade through the different cities. In their RE lessons, the children were able to share their understanding of the events of Holy Week and the trials of Jesus leading to his death. The class also enjoyed completing their retelling of 'Peter's First Battle' in 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' in their English lessons and Mr Tasker looks forward to reading them over the Easter break. Well done!
Year 5
The end of the term has arrived and it has been such a busy one! Year 5 have achieved so much this term and Miss McGowan is very proud of them! This week has been no exception and the children have been learning all about Holy Week and the important events that occurred. They not only studied Holy Week, but considered the impact that the events have on us and our understanding of our own faith. The Year 5 Mini Vinnies were incredible this week and wrote beautiful prayers for a whole school assembly with a Holy Week focus. In DT, the children continued to develop their coding skills and were using Micro:Bits. This was very impressive and we could possibly have some future programmers in Year 5! Well done for a fabulous term, Miss McGowan has said that there are many exciting things planned for your final term in Year 5 so get some rest and get ready!
Year 6
Year 6 have ended the term on a high. They've worked really hard this week in R.E. because our focus in school has been Holy week. We analysed the last events in Jesus' life before his Crucifixion. The children explored some of the thoughts and feelings of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane and discussed of some reasons why Peter denied Jesus. They also identified words of Jesus from the cross and reflected on why the death of Jesus has been described as a sacrifice. To end the week, the week, the children led the Stations of the Cross. This prayer pilgrimage was a powerful way to allow everyone to grow closer to Jesus at this time of the year. Thank you Year 6 for leading the prayer time so reverently. Enjoy the Easter break because the summer term will be busy!
Holy Week Liturgy
Thank you to the Mini Vinnies who led a Holy Week liturgy for the whole school. They reflected on the Gospel accounts, led prayers and sang songs with reverence and attentiveness. Well done, Mini Vinnies. Thank you to Miss McGowan and the Mini Vinnies for preparing the liturgy.
Saint Joseph's Feast Day
This week the children celebrated the feast day of one of house saints - Saint Joseph. St Joseph was the husband of Our Lady and foster father to Jesus. During the assembly, the children were reminded of how Joseph fulfilled his mission to love God and serve others, and how by following his example, children can become missionaries of God’s love, too. Thank you to Mrs Morgan who delivered the assembly.
Prayer to Saint Joseph
Dear St. Joseph,
God trusted you to care for his Son, Jesus, and Mary, your wife.
Blessed Joseph, we ask you to be like a father to us.
Guide us and ask God to give us hope and courage,
and to keep us safe from harm.
St. Joseph, pray for us. Amen.
Stations of the Cross Prayer Service
All the children (and teachers) gathered as a school community to walk with Jesus through his final hours. Everyone was reminded of the sacrifice that Jesus made for all and contemplated on the kindness of those who helped him. Everyone prayed and reflected on Jesus' suffering and the sacrifice he made for us all.
Year 6 Fundraising - Lent
Thank you to all the children (and their families) for supporting Year 6 with their fundraising. As part of their R.E. unit Lent, the Year 6 children have been learning about the different types of poverty around the world. They money raised will be donated to a charity that fights poverty. Congratulations to the winners in Year 2 and Year 4!
Mother's Day Fundraising
The Mother's Day Tea and a Scone organised by the Mini Vinnies raised £215.00. Thank you to all our families for your generous contributions. The Mini Vinnies have chosen to donate their fundraising to Birmingham Children's Hospital.
A quote from a Year 5 Mini Vinnie:
"I would really like the money to be donated to Birmingham Children's Hospital as they treated me when I was really young. They help a lot of children in our school and community and they do a fantastic job! We are very grateful to them."
A prayer from the Mini Vinnies:
Dear God,
Send your healing grace to all the children who are currently in hospitals. May they be blessed with strength, hope and joy.
Bless their parents and may they be rewarded with your mercy.
To donate please click on the following link to our school's fundraising page.
Easter Egg Competition
As has happened in previous years we are once again holding an Easter egg competition for the children. There is no charge for entering and the children are asked to use their imaginations and any materials available to them to decorate a hard boiled egg. The theme can be anything they choose - Spring, Easter, favourite characters or even something school related! The entries need to be brought into school on Friday 12 April and they will be judged with an Easter Egg prize available for each class winner!
Tempest Photography will be in school on Monday 8 April to take class photographs. Could children please wear their winter uniform that day, thank you.
Wyre Forest households can apply to the Household Support Fund for help with:
- Food/bedding/clothing
- Gas/electricity
- An essential household item/appliance
More information about the eligibility criteria and application process can be found here: https://wyreforestcab.org.uk/wyre-forest-household-support-fund
Households can apply online using the link above, by phone 01562 601194 or in person - 21/23 New Road, Kidderminster DY10 1AF The deadline for applications is 31 March 2024.
Home Start
Class | w/c 18.3.24 |
Reception Class | 86.25 |
Key Stage 1 | 92.32 |
Year 3 | 92 |
Year 4 | 89.09 |
Year 5 | 90.69 |
Year 6 | 88.40 |
Date of Event | Event |
Monday 8 April 2024 | Term starts |
Monday 8 April 2024 | Tempest Photography - Class Photos |
Tuesday 23 April 2024 | Cake Sale - Years 3 and 4 to donate cakes |
Tuesday 23 April 2024 | Patriotic Saints Day - information to follow |
Wednesday 24 April 2024 | Year 3 First Holy Communion Meeting 6:00pm in Yr 3 classroom |
Tuesday 30 April 2024 | Year 6 Confirmation Meeting 3:45pm in Yr 6 classroom |
Monday 6 May 2024 | May Bank Holiday - School Closed |
Monday 13 - Thursday 16 May 2024 | Year 6 SATs Week |
Wednesday 22 May 2024 | HENRY: Fussy Eating Parent Workshop TBC |
Thursday 16 May 2024 | School Disco 5:30 - 7:00pm |
Friday 24 May 2024 | Half Term |
Sunday 9 June 2024 | Year 3 First Holy Communion 11:00am at church |
Wednesday 26 June 2024 | HENRY: Understand My Child's Behaviour Parent Workshop TBC |
Tuesday 2 July 2024 | Year 6 Confirmation 7:00pm at church |
Wednesday 3 July 2024 | HENRY: Eat Well For Less Parent Workshop TBC |
Monday 8 July 2024 | KS2 Bell-Boating Regatta |
Friday 19 July 2024 | End of Term |