Message from Mrs Brocklesby

This term is always very busy, as we fastly approach the final half term before we break up for summer. It is also the term where you suddenly realise how much progress the children have made over the last academic year and how much they have grown and changed since the beginning of September. School life is very busy, and I think it is really important that we take a moment to recognise the growth of every individual in our school; the progress they have made both academically and socially, and the experiences they have had. As the final half term approaches, I would ask that you take note of the diary dates, as there is always so much on at the end of the year.

Weekly Round Up From Mrs Warnett

This week the children in Reception have been artists. They have been looking at the work of Vincent Van Gogh and exploring different pieces of his art. The children then had the opportunity to recreate one of his famous paintings ‘Sunflowers’. The children commented on the fact the painting was mostly made up of the colour yellow but demonstrated their knowledge of colour by explaining that there were different shades. The children practised the skill of colour mixing to recreate their own version of the famous painting. After they had all completed the activity, the children looked at each other’s work and discussed what they liked about each one.  
Key Stage 1

The children in KS1 have certainly earned a week off following another busy week.  In History they have been finding out about the invention of the telephone. In Geography they have been looking at the weather in Singapore and comparing this to the United Kingdom. In Art and Design, they created their own plates based on the work of Clarice Cliff.  They have now had their final cricket lesson of the year so PE will return to a Tuesday.

Year 3
Year 3 have been enjoying reading non-fiction texts, linked to their history work on Ancient Egypt. The class have been fascinated by the lives of Cleopatra and various pharaohs. They have also learnt about the importance of different animals in their religion and culture and compared this with our current views of different animals. 
In maths, the children have continued their hard work on time and have developed their understanding of AM and PM times. Mrs Tasker and Mrs Mallinson have felt sorry for some of the parents after hearing what early birds some of the children are in the class! 
Year 3 had their class Mass this week and impressed everyone with their beautiful participation. Some children stepped in at the last minute to read for children who were poorly. Everyone was so proud of them for their confidence in reading, even without any practice! Wow!
On Friday, the class were delighted to celebrate three children reaching 'gold' on the Zone Board for such hard work over a busy half term. Well done to all of the class and especially the 'golden children'! We hope that you all have a well-deserved rest over half term. 
Year 4
What a busy week to end the half term! In science, the children started their unit on the digestive system. The children looked at animal diets and consolidated their understanding of herbivores, carnivores and omnivores and then took a closer look at their own teeth, recalling the names and functions of human teeth. In maths, the children are looking at naming and describing the features of 2D shapes and knowing different angles. They have also continued to work hard to recall their multiplication facts ready for the Times Table Test in a few weeks time. In geography, the children have continued developing their understanding of European countries by researching some key facts and geographical features about them. The children have also embraced 'Walk to School Week' this week and they have really enjoyed actively travelling to school with their family and friends. Enjoy a well-earned break over half term! 
Year 5

What a half term Year 5! Miss McGowan has said how proud she is of you all this week for taking part in Bikeability. The instructors told staff how amazing you all were and how polite and resilient and always smiling – despite some less than ideal weather! This week, as well as Bikeability, Year 5 have been writing their own ending to the book they have been studying, Freedom Bird. The children had to think about the events that had happened so far and then consider what could happen to the main characters. Miss McGowan has enjoyed reading your writing and was impressed by the creativity in your ideas! In Geography, Year 5 have been finding out about the human and physical geography of North America and listing what they think are their top three favourite landmarks. Year 5 were also lucky enough to spend time watching their Faith Friends in Reception perform a dance they had been working on. The dance was wonderful and Year 5 gave some lovely feedback.

Year 6
This week the Year 6 children have been busy with their writing. In English, they have been writing for a range of audiences, applying different grammatical features as well as playing around with language and working really hard on their handwriting. In Design and Technology, the children have been given three key ingredients and have been encouraged to research recipes with the suggested ingredients. In future lessons, they will have to consider preparation techniques they may need to use for their dishes. The children are very excited about preparing their dishes and presenting them to external testers where they will be scored out of five. Thank you to the Year 6 children for working really hard this term. They need to enjoy their well-deserved half term break.
Community of St Wulstan's
Thank you to all of our families who have supported school events recently. Our last cake sale raised an amazing £115.40. Thank you very much for the kind donations of cakes from our Year 3 and 4 families! The next cake sale will be on Tuesday 25 June and we would be grateful for donations from Reception and Key Stage 1. 
Summer Fayre: we would love to hold a Summer Fayre towards the end of the summer term and would be grateful for as many volunteers as possible. If you would like to get involved, please email the school office and ask to be added to the Community of St Wulstan's Whatsapp group. The email address is

Wulstan's Lodge Holiday Club - May Half Term

Date of Event Event
Wednesday 22 May 2024 HENRY: Fussy Eating Parent Workshop CONFIRMED - please enquire at the school office
Friday 24 May 2024 Half Term
Monday 3 June 2024 Children return to school
Tuesday 3 June - Friday 7 June 2024 Key Stage 1 Assessments
Sunday 9 June 2024 Year 3 First Holy Communion 11:30am at church
W/C Monday 10 June 2024 Year 1 Phonics Screening Check
Tuesday 25 June 2024 Cake Sale - donations from Rec and Y1/2 please!
Wednesday 26 June 2024 HENRY: Understand My Child's Behaviour Parent Workshop - please enquire at the school office
Tuesday 2 July 2024 Year 6 Confirmation 7:00pm at church
Wednesday 3 July 2024 Move Up Morning
Wednesday 3 July 2024 HENRY: Sleep and Children - please enquire at the school office
Monday 8 July 2024 KS2 Bell-Boating Regatta
Tuesday 16 July 2024 Sports Day - To be confirmed
Friday 19 July 2024 Leavers Mass
Friday 19 July 2024 End of Term
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