Message from Mrs Brocklesby

As another week draws to an end, thank you to the children who went away, following my assembly about Talents, to demonstrate how, ' We learn and grow with Jesus to love, inspire and serve others.' At Saint Wulstan's we live out our Mission everyday and aim to go the extra mile in everything we do. As we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King this Sunday the Gospel reminds us that every act of kindness done to someone else is also done to Jesus and it will be rewarded accordingly.

I believe we can all teach kindness as it is a fact we learn to be kind by receiving kindness.  The best places to learn kindness are at home and in school so this week in assembly we will be thinking about how we can show kindness. Please email if you would like to share your son or daughter's acts of kindness, they will be celebrated in classes.

If you are free tonight Stourport will be sparkling when the Three Kings Candle Lit Parade and Christmas Lights switch on event takes place. If you are attending please meet at the Civic Centre Carpark at 5.45 pm. I would just like to thank staff and children for preparing Saint Wulstan's sleigh.  Tonight will be a wonderful example of staff commitment and the wonderful community spirit we have at Saint Wulstan's. Please remember all children must be accompanied, many thanks.


Weekly Round Up From Mrs Warnett

Reception: The children in Reception have had a busy week continuing their learning about 'People who help us'. They have been very lucky to have been visited by one of our parents, Mrs Dutton, who came in to talk to the children about being a nurse. The children loved hearing about the jobs that different nurses do and had the chance to look and some of the equipment that nurses use. The children were very excited to be able to use some of the equipment and to have a go at being nurses. Mrs Dutton very kindly left some of the things she had brought in to show the children so they could continue to explore it in their provision time. The children have been really inspired and there has been lots of hospital role play going on! Reception have also had a visit from a local police officer and community support officer. Sam and Shelley came into school to talk to the children about the role of a police officer and showed them some of their equipment and uniform. The children loved passing around the different items - particularly the handcuffs! The children then had the opportunity to sit in the front of the police car and turn on the siren - it was a very exciting time! 

KS1: In Art this week Key Stage 1 have been focusing on observation drawings. They had a variety of objects to select from and had to look carefully at them to identify shapes, lines and textures. They then needed to work with control to create different types of lines before layering different materials to create effects.

Year 3 

This week year 3 have been continuing to develop their DT skills by starting to create their cushions. The children have really persevered with practicing their cross-stitching techniques and have now created the shapes they are going to sew onto their fabric. They can begin to see their cushions starting to take shape, which was very exciting.  A big thank you to everybody who has donated materials for the children to use. Year 3 have also been continuing to write speech sentences in English, which have been fantastic to read. This week the children have put the word ‘said’ in word jail and have been coming up with other synonyms that they can use instead. In RE, the children have been looking at the story of Jesus and the sinful Women and why it is important to forgive people. They then had to retell the story by performing it in groups to the rest of the class. Everyone’s performances were excellent.  Well done for another fantastic week.

Year 4 

Year 4 have enjoyed the start of their new science unit this week, looking at solids, liquids and gases. They started the week becoming familiar with some of the scientific language linked to the different states and explored the properties of different liquids and gases. In our PE lessons, the children created different spins and balances using their points and patches. They will now begin to join these movements up using different pathways and ways of travelling. The children continued their learning journey in geography looking at rivers and they developed their understanding of different forms of pollution in our rivers and suggested some solutions to reduce these. In Design and Technology, the children started to plan their pavilion structures and started to think about the frame design, theme and target audience for visiting their pavilions. They will enjoy sharing their completed models in a few weeks time. Great work!

Year 5: This week the children celebrated the feast day of Saint Cecilia, the patron saint of musicians, by doing what else, but having a tuneful singing session! They sang so beautifully and with such an impressive volume, that Mrs Freitas could even hear them next door! They have also been continuing to develop their skills as artists by finding out about multi-media pop artist, Chila Kumari Singh Burman. The children enjoyed exploring some of her most famous artwork and loved that fact that she is inspired by the bright and beautiful things she finds and ice creams!

Year 6 have been enjoying Science this term because they have been learning about electricity. The children have been building on their understanding of circuits to construct and draw series circuits using symbols. They have built circuits alongside their drawings to understand how the pictorial representation links to the physical example. They have been working really hard on drawing circuits accurately.  In Art, the children have been exploring chiaroscuro. They have chosen a name from the Mayan calendar and they focused on making the letters look like they carved out of stone using black and white tones to suggest a three dimensional form. Have a look at some of the great pieces of artwork!

Kidderminster Foodbank - Mini Vinnies

This week the Mini Vinnies travelled to the Foodbank in Kidderminster to deliver the Harvest collection. The children visited the space and also had the opportunity to ask the volunteers some questions. They were delighted to find out that in total, the foodbank received 130kg of donations. A huge thank you to all families for such generous contributions. Everyone in school is really grateful for your support!

RED Wednesday

This year we joined the Aid to the Church in Need’s campaign ‘Red Wednesday’. Pupils and staff joined in solidarity with persecuted Christians around the world, during a day of prayer, fundraising and raising awareness. Everyone wore red, raised money for charity and have written prayers for those who are not allowed to live out their faith. Thank you to all families for your support.

Dates For Your Diary

Date Event
Friday 1 December KS1 and Year 6 Class Mass @ 9:15am
Friday 8 December Whole School Mass - The Immaculate Conception
Friday 8 December Christmas Jumper Day plus Santa Dash/Reindeer Run for Kemp Hospice
Wednesday 13 December Key Stage 2 Carol Service
Friday 15 December Reception and Year 5 Mass @ 9:15am
Monday 18 December EYFS & KS1 Nativity @ 2:00pm
Monday 18 December EYFS & KS1 Nativity @ 5:45pm
Friday 22 December Whole School Mass
Friday 22 December School closes for Christmas at 3:30pm


Class Percentage Attendance w/c 20 November 2023
Reception Class 85.63
Key Stage 1 97.61
Year 3 95.67
Year 4 92.38
Year 5 94.14
Year 6 96.96
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