Hopefully now as the days become brighter for longer, the weather (hopefully) will provide us with some sunshine! And although it is the last term of this academic year, it is as busy as any other, as the children work hard on the remaining objectives for their particular year. Please continue to hear your child/children read daily, complete homework, practice times tables, etc. Whatever you do to help them now will put them in good stead for the following year. Most importantly, please ensure your child(ren) is in school every single day – on time. Lost time is missed experiences! As it is the final term of the academic year, children will be going on trips, have visitors linked to topics and receive rewards. School is too exciting to miss!
Year 6 SATs
Parents of Year 6 pupils will be aware that their children will be undertaking the compulsory national tests this half term. This will take place week commencing 13th May 2024. It is essential that every Year 6 child is in school every day that week. The tests cannot be rescheduled. Please do all you can to support your child at this time.
I would like to thank all parents and carers, who when dropping off and picking up their children at school, comply with traffic road markings such as double yellow lines, zigzags, etc., and avoid obstructing vehicle access points which serve private properties. By adhering to the rules of the road and parking safely we are looking after each other and supporting our community. Lisa Hopkins, from the police Community Support Team, will be visiting school to discuss these matters and observe the parking at drop off times. Thank you for your support.
Weekly Round Up From Mrs Warnett
Key Stage 1
Key Stage 1 have had another busy week! In Geography they have been looking at the Seasons, which tied in nicely with their English lessons where they have been writing an information piece on the seasons. In Maths Year 2 have been learning to tell the time, whilst Year 1 have been learning division. In Art and Design, the children have used their knowledge of primary and secondary colours to recrate a piece of art. In computing the children were challenged to create their own e-books and they all did a FANTASTIC job! Well done KS1
Year 3
Year 3 have been enjoying the wonderful story of The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. They have been developing some great prediction skills in reading and have had such interesting thoughts, showing that they can use the text to justify their reasoning.
In art the class have been very proud of their well-structured and sturdy creations. They have used a range of techniques to make 3D sculptures. We will be keeping them on display and using them to help us in our next lesson. They are very proud of their work and have spoken very thoughtfully about their creations.
Well done, Year 3!
Year 4
Year 4 have enjoyed a creative week in school and have been reading and analysing poetry in English. The children were encouraged to develop their intonation skills to engage the reader and looked for poetic devices that make description more interesting. In science, the children have looked at classification keys to help group and sort animals. The children wrote some excellent riddles that their peers had to guess which concentrated on physical characteristics of animals. The children started their new art unit looking at craft and design. They looked at images from the rainforest for inspiration and were encouraged to use their observation skills to pick colours, shapes and details that were of interest to them. In PE, the children have been developing their shot technique in tennis, looking at the backhand return. In cricket, they looked at batting technique to ensure they had the correct stance and swing. Well done!
Year 5
It’s been another busy and successful week in Year 5! The children were incredible at their Tag Rugby Tournament and played with determination and courage! The coaches were very impressed with how the children listened throughout the day and how much they improved in working as a team. Roxy and Jasmine were both awarded for their teamwork, fair play and progress throughout the day – well done girls! Year 5 have also been developing their tennis skills this week and were practising their accuracy and control in a game of tennis battleships! It was also lovely to see the children dress in a range of colours to celebrate our Patriotic Saints Day and we all learnt some wonderful facts about the saints. Thank you Year 5 for representing St Wulstan’s in the best way this week. Mrs Grainger, Mrs Brown and Miss McGowan were all very impressed with your maturity and behaviour, well done!
Year 6
It's been a really busy for Year 6 as they have been busy with their assessments. Mrs Freitas is pleased with their effort, determination and focus. They are all working very hard leading up to their SATs week. On Tuesday, the Year 6 children started the day celebrating our wonder four patriotic saints. In R.E., the children have been learning about Thomas the Apostle. When told by the other disciples, "we have seen the Lord," Thomas doubts this is true until he sees Jesus and His wounds for himself. The children had to write a persuasive letter (to Thomas) as one of the disciples trying to persuade him to believe that Jesus was alive. In Art, the children had to design a music album cover using photographs and inspired by the style of Derrick Boateng. Have a look at some of their artwork! Derrick Boateng explores the effects of simple compositions and replaces natural colours with a limited but bold colour palette for a striking effect. Mrs Freitas was impressed with the children's editing skills. Well done, Year 6.
Summer Uniform
Now the sunny weather is hopefully around the corner, children can now wear shorts or the red checked dress if they so wish. Listed below is the full summer uniform list.
. Grey tailored trousers or shorts, grey skirt or pinafore (Lycra or jersey fabric trousers are not permitted)
. Red polo shirt or white school shirt and tie (no white polo shirts or blouses. Shirts may be long or short sleeved)
. Grey socks
. Red check dress with white socks
. Grey or red V neck jumper, cardigans or sweatshirt - branded with school logo or without logo
. Black school shoes (boots, trainers or open toe sandals are not permitted)
Class | Events Week Commencing 29 April 2024 |
Reception Class | Creating a Minibeast Hotel. |
Key Stage 1 | Adding animation features onto their e-books in computing. |
Year 3 | Look out for some exciting letters being sent out next week about some Year 3 TRIPS! |
Year 4 | Design and Technology - Explore electrical products and learn how they work. |
Year 5 | Using Lego to build a casing for our Micro:Bit Temperature Sensor, finding out about how the Ancient Greeks have impacted society today |
Year 6 | Design & Technology - Come Dine with me! Get ready for some food tasting! |
Date of Event | Event |
Tuesday 30 April 2024 | Year 6 Confirmation Meeting 3:45pm in Yr 6 classroom |
Monday 6 May 2024 | May Bank Holiday - School Closed |
Monday 13 - Thursday 16 May 2024 | Year 6 SATs Week |
Wednesday 22 May 2024 | HENRY: Fussy Eating Parent Workshop TBC |
Thursday 16 May 2024 | School Disco 5:30 - 7:00pm |
Friday 24 May 2024 | Half Term |
Sunday 9 June 2024 | Year 3 First Holy Communion 11:30am at church |
Wednesday 26 June 2024 | HENRY: Understand My Child's Behaviour Parent Workshop TBC |
Tuesday 2 July 2024 | Year 6 Confirmation 7:00pm at church |
Wednesday 3 July 2024 | HENRY: Eat Well For Less Parent Workshop TBC |
Monday 8 July 2024 | KS2 Bell-Boating Regatta |
Friday 19 July 2024 | End of Term |