Thursday 27 June 2019

Dear Parents

I would like to start this week’s newsletter by congratulating our Year 3 children who received their First Holy Communion last Sunday. The Mass was beautiful and the children behaved with great reverence and dignity and were once again a credit to you their parents and to their school. I would also like to thank all the children who came to church to sing in the choir, to serve on the altar or just to support their Year 3 friends. This support is very much appreciated by the staff and helped to make everything go so well. Thanks go to the parents for their kind donations of food for the ‘breakfast’, Mrs Warnett for the beautiful cake, Fr Richard for his lovely service and ongoing support for our whole school community, Deacon John for his continuing support, all the staff who give up so much of their free time and Mrs and Mr Mallinson for all the wonderful music. Congratulations Mia, Katie, Tia, Amelie, Darcie, Noah, Ryan, Paolo, Kacsper and Lenny. Thank you all.

I would like to draw attention to our local Summer Reading Challenge, "Space Chase",which will be launched this coming Saturday, 29th June at Stourport Library and across Worcestershire. The annual 6 book challenge, now in its 20th year, runs throughout the summer holidays and is proven to help maintain and improve children's reading ability throughout the summer months. In addition, Stourport Library will be running a range of exciting space-related events and activities from LEGO Clubs, STEM challenges and craft sessions to story times for all ages. Stourport Library is also challenging the 6 local schools in its catchment area to see which school will have the greatest number of finishers. The winning school will receive a special cup to be awarded in a school assembly in September.


Please ensure you check the school website calendar for Showcase Assembly dates which are coming up over the next two weeks. We are looking forward to seeing and hearing about all the children have achieved over the last year. Congratulations to the children in Reception Class  for their showcase assembly on Tuesady. It was a real celebration of everything that the children have learned during the last year. It was lovely to see them read and speak so confidently to a crowded room of family and friends. Today Year 2 showcased all their learning with an outdoor theatre production .Well done children and thank you for all your hard work.

The whole school trip to the Dudley Zoo will soon be upon us, Friday 12 July, details of payments can be found on Parentpay. Final payments must be made by 5 July in order for arrangements, group lists and coaches to be finalized. Thank you to everyone who has offered to come as helpers. Parent payment details hnave bee added to ParentPay and a safeguarding meeting regarding the trip will be held on Wednesday 10 July at 3.35pm . Thank you.

Key Stage 2 children, and particularly Year 6, are all very busy preparing for their production of ‘Into the Woods which they will be performing on the afternoon and evening of Monday 1 July at 2.00pm and 6.30pm. It promises to be a lovely event with Year 6 leading the acting and singing and Years 3, 4 and 5 as dancers. Please return ticket orders to the school office as we will not be able to admit anyone without tickets. The children will need to be back at school at 5.45 pm on Monday evening. Thank you we are all really looking forward to seeing the production.

The last of our CTA sports competitions is being on July 5 in the form of our annual swimming gala. Children from across Key Stage 2 will compete against children from all the other Catholic primary schools in Worcestershire. We wish our competitors good luck and look forward to hearing of their good sportsmanship and success.  

One of our Reception Class families is struggling with transport issues at the moment. They live in Wilden Top and would be grateful if anyone could help out with collecting and dropping off their child temporarily. If you feel you could help please contact me via the school office. Thank you.

Please note that tomorrow Friday 29 June is an INSET day and school is closed for the children. The children return on Monday morning.

I hope you have a lovely weekend and if you have any concerns or worries please do not hesitate to contact me.

KE Savage


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