Message from Mrs Brocklesby

On June 29th the Catholic Church celebrates the feast day of Saints Peter & Paul. Peter was a disciple of Jesus and chosen by Christ to lead the Church. Through their preaching and ministry, Saints Peter and Paul helped to establish Christ’s Church.
The feast of Saints Peter and Paul is a solemnity, and a holy day of obligation. Today during Mass Father Richard inspired us all to follow their example.

This week I have been wowed by the commitment of parents, children and staff to improve our environment. Next time you come into our playground please look at the memorial garden as it has had a make over. It now has some lovely plants in bloom which I know will bring us all some cheer. Our next project is the area at the top of the steps. If you would like to help please contact the school office.

Weekly Round Up From Mrs Warnett

Reception 28.6.24
Reception Class have been enjoying their athletics lessons in PE. This week they have been focussing on their running skills. The children have been working on their starting positions, keeping in a lane, and their form whilst they are running. This was especially exciting when they got to show off their skills in a relay! The class have also practised their jumping skills again but this time concentrating on jumping for height. 

Key Stage 1 27.6.24

Key Stage 1 had a wonderful day on Thursday at Bodenham Arboretum, They got to see the farm animals before heading to the Forest School where they toasted bread, built dens and had a lot of fun! The children were very well behaved and a great day was had by all. 

Year 3

Year 3 have worked hard this week to complete end of year assessments. We have been very impressed at how hard the children have worked and how motivated they were to do well. One child even said, "Can we do another one now?" after finishing their maths test! What dedication, even during such warm weather!

Thank you to our families for sending in cereal boxes for our Design and Technology lessons. The children worked carefully, using a range of techniques to create holes and other specific design features.

Year 4

It has been a hive of activity in Year 4 this week. In D&T lessons, the children have been completing their torches and problem solving some last minute design issues. Their patience and resilience has really developed over the course of this unit and the children have been really good and suggesting solutions to their problems. In PE, the children firstly looked at jumping dynamically and how this can be developed over time. They also looked at a consistent technique for jumping over hurdles and enjoyed some competitive activities applying these skills. Next week, the children are really looking forward to litter picking and our local history trip to the Stourport Basin. They look forward to sharing their experiences with you next week! 

Year 5 

This week has been exciting and busy with lots of interesting activities for Year 5. This week, the children found out about artist Cai Guo-Ciang and created their own ‘explosive art’ inspired by him and his style. The idea was to create an art installation in a ‘room’. Next week, the children will be completing their descriptions to explain the stimuli and will be adding people to their room and then photographing to experiment with the concept of scale. In Science, Year 5 have been studying how plants reproduce. The children used their observation skills to investigate the different parts of flowers that are important in reproduction and began to recognise similarities and differences in these. In the coming weeks, children will be visiting Hagley High School to take part in a MAC Sports afternoon – more information to follow soon!

Year 6
This week Year 6 have been busy preparing for Confirmation. In R.E., the children have learnt that Confirmation is the sacrament that completes Baptism; in it the gift of the Holy Spirit is bestowed upon them. This sacrament is called Confirmation because the faith given in Baptism is now confirmed and made strong. During Baptism, parents and godparents make promises to renounce Satan and believe in God and the Church on the child’s behalf. At Confirmation, those same promises are renewed, this time the child is speaking for themselves. The children also had the opportunity to analyse the meaning of the words in the promises.  This year Year 6 were selected for writing moderation by the local authority. The moderator analysed standard of writing across Year 6 and she commended the “significant amount of quality writing” that she was able to look at. The children have worked very hard on their writing and Mrs Freitas couldn't be prouder. To end the week, Year 6 were delighted when they realised the scripts for the Year 6 play had arrived. They have been busy auditioning and rehearsals will start next Monday. More details to follow soon.

Sports Day: Thank you to all of our parents who contributed to the Sports Day survey. We can confirm that Sports Day will be on Tuesday 16 July between 9:00am and 12:30pm. More details to follow!
Weekly Mass
Today we celebrated Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul. Saint Peter, one of the twelve and the chief of the Apostles, was the Rock upon which Christ built his Church, and Saint Paul was an Apostle to the Gentiles. Together they are honoured as founders of the Church of Rome, having been separately martyred there during the reign of the Emperor Nero. Thank you to Fr Richard for celebrating Mass with us in school. Thank you to all the families who joined us this morning. 
Confirmation Confessions
This week, the Year 6 children had their Sacrament of Reconciliation as part of their preparation for their Confirmation on Tuesday 2nd July at 7pm. Thank you to Fr Richard for providing the children with this opportunity.
Community of St Wulstan's
Summer Fayre: This will take place after school on Tuesday 16 July after school between 3:45pm and 6:00pm. Please let Mrs Brown in the office know that you would like to be added to the Community of St Wulstan’s WhatsApp group.

Free School Meals Entitlement

All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to universal free school meals.  You may qualify for the other type of free school meals, which is based on your income (you can still apply even if your child is still in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2.  It is worth checking if you qualify for the income based free school meals because you will be entitled to other benefits eg holiday free school meal vouchers.  Visit the following website to check whether you are eligible: . If you have any questions, please contact the school office for assistance.

Date of Event Event
Tuesday 25 June 2024 Cake Sale - donations from Rec and Y1/2 please!
Wednesday 26 June 2024 HENRY: Understand My Child's Behaviour Parent Workshop - please enquire at the school office
Friday 28 June 2024 Whole School Mass @ 9:15am
Monday 1 July 2024 Talent Show Auditions
Tuesday 2 July 2024 Year 6 Confirmation 7:00pm at church
Wednesday 3 July 2024 Move Up Morning
Wednesday 3 July 2024 HENRY: Sleep and Children - please enquire at the school office
Friday 5 July 2024 Non Uniform Day for children - jam jars and chocolate donations
Friday 5 July 2024 Year 5 Class Mass @ 9:15am
Friday 12 July 2024 KS2 bell-Boating Regatta
Wednesday 10 July 2024 Key Stage 2 Production - Shrek - @ 6:30pm
Thursday 11 July 2024 Key Stage 2 Production - Shrek - @ 6:30pm
Friday 12 July 2024 Year 3 Class Mass @ 9:15am
Tuesday 16 July 2024 Talent Show (PM)
Tuesday 16 July 2024 Sports Day CONFIRMED
Tuesday 16 July 2024 Summer Fayre @ 3:45pm - 6:00pm
Friday 19 July 2024 Leavers' Mass
Friday 19 July 2024 End of Term
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