Message from Mrs Brocklesby
At St Wulstan's, we are committed to minimising missed educational opportunities. We firmly believe that a strong community is one where all our children are present in school, on time, every day unless they are too unwell to do so. By adhering to this principle, we not only impart valuable life skills and help to foster enduring friendships, but we also prepare your child for future success. We will be launching a new reward in school called 'Attendance Achievers' - a scheme where at the end of each month, we will celebrate pupils who are showing an achievement within attendance such as improved attendance, improved punctuality, sustained excellent attendance etc. The children who receive an 'Attendance Achiever' reward will receive a certificate and will be able to choose a prize from the prize box!
This week I am delighted to inform you about the first Community Cafe event for families in Stourport and Kidderminster. The first event will be held at Saint Ambrose School. The aim of the community event is to raise awareness of local groups and the support that is available in our communities for families. The event is on March 7th starting at 3 o'clock. Put the event in your diary as along with a range of community groups there will be free refreshments, an ice cream van and activities for children (see flyer below). Next week all children will come home with two flyers to advertise the event in our community. Please tell any families you know about this exciting event, thank you for your help.
Message from Mrs Warnett
Year 2 and 3
Year 2 and 3 have continued developing their understanding of materials in science this week. They have been sorting everyday objects to show whether they can be changed by bending, twisting, squashing or stretching. They observed that some of these changes are permanent. The children especially enjoyed investigating the play-doh! In maths, the children have been developing their understanding of multiplication and division and were impressed by their ability to multiply some very big numbers easily by spotting number patterns. Well done! In English, the children have retold a section of 'A Bear Called Paddington' in which the bear gets himself into very hot water! The children have been learning how to use subordinating conjunctions to improve their writing. In PE, the children have started a new unit on dance, called 'Dance Around the World' and have been creating dance moves to Daft Punk's, 'Around the World'. See if your child can show you some of their dance moves this weekend!
Year 4
Year 4 started their week by looking at electrical appliances in their science lesson. They were able to recognise many appliances and could say whether they needed battery or mains electricity to work. In English, the children started to read their next class text 'Beowulf'. The children had many questions to ask about this poem and learnt some interesting vocabulary used to describe the characters and settings. In design and technology, the children made their basic biscuit dough by following instructions and work as a group to mix the ingredients. The children were eager to taste their biscuits and hope that they managed to share a few crumbs with adults at home. In geography, the children labelled a map of the world to find some of the countries that export the largest amounts of food around the world. They then discussed modes of transport used in trade and how certain modes are needed for specific food items. Finally, some of the class took part in the Wyre Forest Sports Partnership Swimming Festival this afternoon. Mr Tasker was very impressed with the children's confidence in the water and the effort all the children continue to show in their swimming lessons. Well done!
Year 5
Year 5 have been excellent Scientists this week and have been trying to find an answer to a question dear to every teacher’s heart – which material is the best thermal insulator in order to keep a cup of tea warm! The children tested three materials and carried out their enquiry, recording results carefully. Next week, the children will dig a little deeper into those results to consider exactly what the data has is showing. The children have also started a new DT unit this week. They have selected and animal that they will be finding out about at home and then eventually will be programming a Micro:Bit that would be suitable for an animal enclosure that would alert the owner if the enclosure was to get too hot or too cold. In history, the children have started to find out more about life in ancient Greece by looking at how city states were governed. The children were then asked to think about which of the types of government (oligarchy, democracy or monarchy) that they would like to be a part of and why. Next week, Year 5 will find out more about some of the city states and further consider what life would be like in each of them. Father Richard came to Year 5 today to lead Mass in which he asked the children and grown ups to consider how we show our faith in actions. The children read beautifully and it was lovely to have grown ups join us too. A great week Year 5, well done!
Year 6
This week in PSHE, the children have been exploring how to respect their bodies as gifts from God by taking care of them in thoughtful and meaningful ways. They’ve discussed the importance of making good choices in areas like rest, sleep, exercise, personal hygiene, and diet. Through this, they’ve learned how these choices contribute to overall well-being, helping them lead healthier lives and showing gratitude for their bodies as part of God's creation. In English, the children completed another 'Star Write,' where they had to write in character as Leila from the book Leila and the Blue Fox. In this task, they immersed themselves in Leila’s emotions and thoughts as she embarked on her journey to Tromso in search of her mother. They described the challenges she faces along the way and her hopes for a reunion. In Maths, the children are wrapping up their unit on decimals. This week, they focused on multiplying and dividing decimal numbers by 10, 100, and 1000. In Art, Year 6 spent time studying the works of renowned Mexican artist Diego Rivera. They looked at how Rivera’s experiences and cultural background influenced his art. After discussing his use of bold colours and intricate details, the children attempted to create their own artwork inspired by the Mayan culture, incorporating symbols and themes from ancient Mexican art into their designs. It was a fantastic opportunity for the children to express their creativity while learning about a key artist and culture. Later in the week, in Geography, the children used maps to identify both physical and human features along the coastline. They explored how coastal features like cliffs, bays, and beaches are formed, as well as human-made structures such as harbours and lighthouses. The students also practised identifying various Ordnance Survey symbols, which are used on maps to represent different features. It’s been a busy and productive week, with the children showing dedication and enthusiasm in all their subjects. Keep up the great work, boys and girls!
Parents' Evening - 12 February 2025 from 3.40pm - 5.00pm
Parents' Evening - 24 February 2025 from 4.30pm - 6.30pm
If you would like to make an appointment to meet with your child's teacher, please do so via your Arbor account. If you would prefer a virtual appointment, please contact the school office. If you require a reminder of your Arbor login details, please contact the school office.
If your child is due to start school in September 2025 (and was born between 1 September 2020-31 August 2021) the closing date for applying for a place was 15 January. However, you can still apply for a late application by visiting
If you require assistance, please contact Mrs Brown in the school office.
ASDA Cashpot for Schools
St Wulstan's has signed up to the Asda Cashpot - a scheme where Asda will donate a percentage of your shop to your chosen school. If you would like to choose St Wulstan's as your school to donate to, click on the link below to find out more.
All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 receive universal free school meals. However, based on your income, you may be eligible to a different free school meal type. This can be applied for even when your child is still in Reception, Years 1 & 2. This entitles you to a free school meal voucher during the holidays and also continued free school meals until the end of Year 6. If you think you may qualify for these, please contact Mrs Brown in the school office for a form or visit or contact the team on 01905 845280. They will require your date of birth and national insurance number to check whether you are eligible.
Friday 31 January | Year 5 Mass in school |
Friday 7 February | Year 4 Mass in school |
Friday 28 February | Year 2/3 Mass in school |
Wednesday 5 March | Whole School Mass in church - 10.30am |
Thursday 6 March | World Book Day 2025 (see letter next week) |
Thursday 13-20th March | Scholastic Book Fair (School Hall-before and after school all week) |
Friday 14 March | Year 6 Mass in school |
Friday 21 March | Year 2/3 Mass in school |
Monday 24, 25 and 27 March | Stourport Library Class Visits- see letter for your child's class details |
Friday 28 March | Year 5 Mass in school |
Friday 4 April | Year 4 Mass in school |
Friday 11 April | Whole School Mass in school - Stations of the Cross |
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Dates for your diary
Friday 24 January | Year of Jubilee Launch for children - no Mass in school |
Wednesday 12 February | Parents Evening 3:40pm - 5:30pm |
Friday 14 February | INSET Day - school closed to pupils |
Monday 17 to Friday 21 February | Half Term |
Monday 24 February | Parents Evening 4:30pm - 6:30pm |
Friday 11 April | End of Spring Term |