Friday 7 June 2019

Dear Parents

         I hope you all enjoyed a relaxing half term week. I am sure we are all hoping that summer has arrived and we can enjoy some hot and sunny weather. It is hard to believe that we are now only six weeks from the end of the school year – and what busy weeks they are going to be! In addition to this weekend’s First Holy Communion Mass we are looking forward to the Summer Fayre, CTA swimming gala and Sports day.  We also have our KS2 production of ‘Into the Woods’! The children are very excited about this and although we have short time in which to produce this play I am sure they will rise to the challenge.  

          On Wednesday, our Year 6 pupils spent the afternoon taking part in the Young Citizen’s Challenge. As in previous years the children were taken through a number of scenarios and had to make decisions that would keep them safe. This was a very enjoyable and worthwhile morning and I am sure our Year 6 children are now better informed and more able to deal with the many challenges they face as they leave the security of our Primary School and move on to High School.

 At Sunday Mass on 23 June, ten of our Year 3 children will receive their First Holy Communion. This as you know is such an important day in the spiritual life of the children so please remember them in your prayers. This is also our termly school Mass at church and we ask that they are supported by their school friends with a strong choir and school attendance. There will be plenty of space in the church as they are a small group and it is a lovely opportunity for the parish and school to celebrate together as a community.

Next week it will be the turn of Year 1 children to take part in statutory testing as they complete their phonics screening check . As the children are used to their routine of daily phonics lesson they will unaware that this is anything different. It is crucial that all children have full attendance and arrive at school promptly in order for them to achieve to their full potential in these assessments. I am sure the children will all perform well as they are so enthused in their Read, Write Inc lessons and are reading so confidently. Well done Year 1!

Over the next few weeks each class will be holding a Showcase Assembly, please check the calendar on the school website for the dates. The children are looking forward to sharing their year’s learning with their families.On Tuesday 25 June we are holding our annual New Intake Evening for parents of children starting at St Wulstan’s in September. Even if you already have a child in school it is important that you attend this meeting as this will be an opportunity to give you information and for you to ask any questions you may have. We look forward to seeing many of you then.We do presently still have a limited number of places available for Reception Class in September. If you know of anyone who may be interested in a place at our lovely school please ask them to contact me. Thank you.A reminder to Year 6 parents whose children are transferring to Hagley Catholic High School in September. On Tuesday  19  June Mr McArdle will be holding parents meetings at our school from 1.30-4.20pm. Appointments can be made via our school life app

The whole school trip to Dudley Zoo is on Friday 12 July, details of payments can be found on Parentpay. Final payments must be made by 5 July in order for arrangements, group lists and coaches to be finalized. Thank you to everyone who has offered to come as helpers. Parent payment details have been added to ParentPay. Thank you.

Our Summer Fayre 2019 will be held on Friday 14 June 5pm-7pm in the school grounds. There will be a BBQ , tea and cakes and a bar so no need to cook tea that evening! Stalls will include tombola, bottle stall, hook a duck, football shootout and lots more for a lovely family evening. If you feel you could help in any way the PTA would be very grateful for all support. Please speak to Mrs Gariff or Mrs Ball or contact Mrs Edwards or myself. If the weather is not good the Fayre will be held in the school hall.Next week is our ‘Bottle stall’ week when competition really comes to the fore at St Wulstan’s! As always we ask for a donation of a bottle towards the ever popular Bottle stall at the Summer Fayre traditionally run by the teachers. The winning class, who collect the most bottles, will receive not only an extra playtime but also an ice lolly. All donations are very gratefully received. The PTA are presently raising funds towards the development of the KS1 playground and new climbing wall for KS2 . The money you raise goes directly to enhance the children’s free time so thank you in advance.

Next week it will be the turn of Year 1 children to take part in statutory testing as they complete their phonics screening check . As the children are used to their routine of daily phonics lesson they will unaware that this is anything different. It is crucial that all children have full attendance and arrive at school promptly in order for them to achieve to their full potential in these assessments. I am sure the children will all perform well as they are so enthused in their Read , Write Inc lessons and are reading so confidently. Well done Year 1!

On Tuesday 11 June, Year 6 will travel to St George’s Church, Worcester, for the annual Diocesan Good Shepherd Mass. This is always a lovely Mass and we will be delighted to give a cheque to representatives of Fr Hudson’s Society – money which was collected as part of the Good Shepherd Appeal in Lent. Thank you.

We are now in a position to share with parents the staffing structure for the next academic year which is as follows:

Reception Class Mrs Portman and Mrs Harris
Year 1 Mrs Edwards
Year 2 Mrs Tasker
Year 3 Mrs Warnett and Mrs James
Year 4 Mr Tasker
Year 5 Mrs Freitas
Year 6 Miss Hill

I would like to highlight a very worthwhile event hosted by Kemp Hospice. They are holding a ‘Golden Butterfly Ball’ at Spring Grove House on 27 September 2019. Kemp have provided 50 years of hospice care and support through the Wyre Forest and is a wonderful charity to support. Further information can be obtained on 01562 756003 or via their website.

 Summer has truly arrived when the daily sale of jubblies and ice pops begins! From Monday the children will be able to purchase either at lunchtime at a cost of 20p per ice pop or 30p for jubblies.

Wishing you a lovely weekend with your families.

KE Savage

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